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We have seen our new consultant.......
06/21/2011 18:57
06/21/2011 18:57
We have seen our new consultant.......

Hi all

Title says it all really we saw Ellen's new consultant at the begining of the month and there were a few good surprises.

The first being that he had actually heard of the disease, seen quite a few people with it and has also heard of the radio therapy and cortisone routes for treatment. he is also absolutely adamant that he will not put ellen through any surgery in the near future which is a huge relief for us as parents.

he has said that he doesn't feel either radio therapy or cortisone is right for ellen as although the nodule in her foot has been playing her up we have seen a massive growth spurt in her feet (nearly 2 shoe sizes in 2.5 months) and he feels alot of her pain is related to that. She is good at the moment and enjoying life just like any other 7 year old, and has started Karate now aswell which she is loving. so for the moment we are jsut going to see how she goes. He has refered her to the podiatry department witht he view of her having some inserts made for her shoes - 20 week wait just for an appointment!

so in the meantime we wait and see


06/21/2011 20:16


06/21/2011 20:16


Re: We have seen our new consultant.......

Thanks for sharing that positive news Zoe. Best wishes to your and your daughter.

Edited 06/21/11 23:16

inserts   daughter   positive   disease   appointment   cortisone   department   although   meantime   enjoying   therapy   surprises   sharing   consultant   podiatry   treatment   adamant   absolutely   actually   begining