Why do my feet get hot and turn red after meals? |
04/02/2011 10:02
04/02/2011 10:02

Why do my feet get hot and turn red after meals?
Hi All I wonder if anyone has any ideas about why my feet might turn red and get hot after meals. I've just had RT and it didn't happen before the treatment, so it leaves me wondering if it has something to do with changes related to RT, temporary as they may be!
I'd appreciate any help with working this one out!
05/27/2011 05:24
05/27/2011 05:24
Re: Why do my feet get hot and turn red after meals?
Hey,I think you should consult with some doctor..As per my suggestion,Check your sugar level..Because This is a symptom of diabetes...So better you give proper medical consultation..
05/27/2011 07:02
05/27/2011 07:02
Re: Why do my feet get hot and turn red after meals?
Dear Cyclist , What do you eat ?
Does it contain HISTAMINE or GLUTAMINE etc.
For example specialk Cheese like Roquefort, Tuna Fish, Red Wine contain lots of Histamine which can caus e a vascular reaction ... Patients with Neurodermatitis have to avoid special nutrients which contain higher levels of histamine, as they would enhance the eczematic reactions ...
Try to explore your food habbits, Larry
PS: By the way: how was your second round of RT in Germany ??
05/28/2011 12:24
05/28/2011 12:24

Re: Why do my feet get hot and turn red after meals?
Larry: Dear Cyclist , What do you eat ?
Does it contain HISTAMINE or GLUTAMINE etc.
For example specialk Cheese like Roquefort, Tuna Fish, Red Wine contain lots of Histamine which can caus e a vascular reaction ... Patients with Neurodermatitis have to avoid special nutrients which contain higher levels of histamine, as they would enhance the eczematic reactions ...
Try to explore your food habbits, Larry
PS: By the way: how was your second round of RT in Germany ??
Hi Larry Looks like the mystery is solved! Yes, I practically live on tuna and salads or soups with plenty of tomatoes (edited to add nuts, red berries, yoghurt and my goodness... spinach, olives, soya sauce... the list goes on). To make matters worse, when I drink wine, it's red, so I'll definitely have to review my eating habits and make some adjustments (don't know if I'm prepared to give up my favourite Australian Shiraz though - there will have to be some limits) It also turns out that I suffer from Neurodermatitis, which I thought was eczema, but it's so minor, that I've never really had to make any adjustments. As I get older, it appears less and less of a problem. PS Funnily, Prof S. has provided me with the same advice, nearly word for word in fact! I'll be in touch in the near future re my 2nd round of treatment - thanks for asking  All the best Di
Edited 06/02/11 13:24
05/28/2011 12:27
05/28/2011 12:27

Re: Why do my feet get hot and turn red after meals?
laurahill: Hey,I think you should consult with some doctor..As per my suggestion,Check your sugar level..Because This is a symptom of diabetes...So better you give proper medical consultation..
Hi Laura Thanks for your thoughts - I've been to a doctor who didn't seem to have any concerns. I already have a referral to test for diabetes, so will soon find out All the best to you Di