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alcohol and DC
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03/23/2006 23:36
E. Day

not registered

03/23/2006 23:36
E. Day

not registered


I had surgery on the right hand (the little finger) about six years ago; and now the ring finger is involved. I do not drink nor do I smoke. My great aunt had it, according to some of my relatives - conveying to me that when she passed away, it was in both hands.

I have DC in the right hand but there is no involvement insofar as the fingers pointing toward my palm.

03/24/2006 23:57
03/24/2006 23:57
sooner the better

Hi E.day,

The only thing I can say is if you are going to have either hand treated with NA, the earlier you do it the better the outcome and the easier it is done. Don't wait until your fingers are drawn all the way into your palm -- usually with this technique they like to do it as soon as you are 10-15 degrees contracted.

This is the opposite of surgery, where they like to wait until the condition is pretty bad before they cut. That should tell you something right there.....

03/25/2006 23:29
03/25/2006 23:29
Alcohol and blood sugar

Corrinrae oversimplifies a little. Not all foods turn to sugar in the blood. Protein, for example, turns to sugar only slowly, during fasting, fat doesn't change to sugar at all, and alcohol metabolises not to sugar but to acetate. In the short term (within 36 hours) alcohol can cause spells of low blood sugar.

Nonetheless in a way she is right. Diabetes websites tell you that in the long term the use of alcohol can cause blood sugar to rise (perhaps by causing insulin resistance) and it also increases the risk of diabetic blindness. So there may well be a link.


03/25/2006 23:30
Bill James

not registered

03/25/2006 23:30
Bill James

not registered


I am a complete lush. I work but I get drunk every day after work. I am 55 and I have been a boozer since high school. I had my DD corrected by NA a few years ago. I still drink just as much. My DD has not come back though.

03/25/2006 23:37

not registered

03/25/2006 23:37

not registered



It is hard to believe a drunk as you describe yourself would care enough to post a message on this forum. You appear to be just another faker that this site seems to attract.

55 and drunk every night since HS? You'd be dead!

03/25/2006 23:40
Bill James

not registered

03/25/2006 23:40
Bill James

not registered


Excuse me, but I have been posting hear for over two years. As for my drinking habits…I have friends who drink more than me and are much older than me. You know very little about older men’s drinking habits if you think a few hard drinks or more each day are lethal. I can assure you I am not a faker.

04/07/2006 23:19
04/07/2006 23:19

Diabetes, Alcohol and DC

My step father (58) was recently diagnosed with this (he thought all these years it was just arthritis and overuse..he's a farm boy). He is an alcoholic, diabetic and now after DC surgery he has developed "Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1".

He had surgery in December and still has no use of the right hand that had the surgery. He is undergoing nerve deadening in his arm for the chronic pain he now suffers.

Needless to say, he is quite depressed about the prospect of never regaining use of his right hand, and he has DC in the left hand (he is a lefty)and is scared to have surgery considering what has happened to the right hand.

Just looking for some advice on how I can help him through this incredibly difficult time from people wiht personal experience. I am intrigued by this site that I stumbled upon today looking for DC information.

04/29/2006 23:13

not registered

04/29/2006 23:13

not registered


Has he tried Naltrexone? It is very effective in assisting alcoholics to stop drinking. That would also help with diabetic problems. As for the dups there's tons of info right here on this site. God bless you and your step-father.

06/08/2006 23:22
06/08/2006 23:22
Dupuytrens and cancer

I stumbled on this site while looking for pictures of hands that are affected with Dc. My 66 year old mom a nonsmoker and non drinker who had surgery on her left rotator cuff muscle developed this very quickly after the surgery and we thought she had rheumatoid arthritis.This was not the case all blood work was negative and we took her to a rheumatologist for a second opinion he took one look at her and asked if she had cancer we said no. He said get a cat scan immmediately you have paraneoplastic syndrome. She was diagnosed in one week with ovarian cancer. Has anyone ever heard of this? Apparently tumurs can secrete toxins that cause Dc. She had surgery,chemo and is in remission but after multiple surgeries in her hands they are still a mess. She is in pain and wants to schedule even more surgery. Your thoughts,opinions and comments would be most appreciated. Sharon

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