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Information For Those Needing NA References
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03/28/2006 23:44

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03/28/2006 23:44

not registered


Anyone want to add to the list. It might grow!

06/22/2006 23:11
06/22/2006 23:11
Reply to Carol Smith

Hope you don't mind me butting in on your request to Barry. I know a farmer who had NA who went back to work at once, just remembering for a few days not to lift anything too heavy. If you want to read about it go to www.dupuytren.org and look up the post under Dupuytrens, then Diana on page 2. It will not be easy to find but keep at it. Dr Lermusiaux's email is jllermusiaux@club-internet.fr
If you have problems finding the posts from Diana please shout help.

06/22/2006 23:35
06/22/2006 23:35
Reply to Carol Smith


It wasn't clear from your e-mail where you are located. I don't know whether you're aware of a growing number of M.D.s who now offer Needle Aponevrotomy. No need to travel to France, and more than likely no need to have that invasive surgery!

I just posted (6/23/06) the most recent list of U.S. doctors offering N.A. on the forum. If you're located in the U.S. you might want to take a look.


06/22/2006 23:57
06/22/2006 23:57
Non surgical treatment

I think Carol lives in England according to her email address.

09/20/2006 23:51

not registered

09/20/2006 23:51

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Non surgical treatment

I have Dupuytren's Disease on by left hand I live in Scotland is there any where in Great Britain where I can get non surgical treatment

09/21/2006 23:22

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09/21/2006 23:22

not registered


Sorry, but the answer is no. It is necessary to go to the rest of Europe if you want NA treatment.
The following web page has details of practitioners

09/21/2006 23:19

not registered

09/21/2006 23:19

not registered


Thanks Marjorie
Is there any one in europe that you recommend


09/21/2006 23:49

not registered

09/21/2006 23:49

not registered


Hi Hugh,
I go to Dr Lermusiaux in Paris. In fact I have just been and now have a straight finger. If you email him on jllermusiaux@club-internet.fr attach pics of your hand he will say whether he can treat you. If you make an appointment he will send you his address and phone number and details of how to get to his rooms in Gagny 15 minutes outside Paris.
Ask if you want more info. I understand that Dr Badois in Paris is well recommended also.

09/21/2006 23:19

not registered

09/21/2006 23:19

not registered


Thanks again for the information I will contact
Dr Lermusiaux in Paris


09/22/2006 23:38
09/22/2006 23:38
Normal ?


In my opinion the problem is that the medical world (not only the US, I live in Belgium) is very secretive. They tend to inform their patients on a 'need to know' basis, where they themselves decide what is 'needed' and what is not.

Is your husband's case normal ?
Every case is different. Some people get good results with surgery, have few problems afterwards. Others have big problems, for several weeks, some even for many months.

My case in a nutshell : (if you have the time to go trough the posts, you can find more details)
About 20 years ago I asked my family doctor what was wrong with my bent pinky. He said "that is .....'s disease" ( I forgot the name the moment I heard it). "I advise not to do anything until it gets much worse. Then, surgery will take care of it".
About 5 years ago I told my family doctor (another one) I thought it was time to have some action on my finger, since the situation was (of course) getting worse. He didn't give any comment, just referred me to a hand surgeon.
The hand surgeon, together with his assistant, looked at my hand, mumbled a few sentences to his assistant, and gave my an appointment for surgery.
Up to that very moment I thought I was in for a 'small' surgery, just slice up that hand a bit and the world would look nice again.
Big surprise !
3 hours of surgery.
Hand bandaged for about 5 weeks. During these 5 weeks I had a nurse cleaning my wounds and replacing the bandage every day.
From day 3 I went to a hand therapist, 4 times a week, 60 sessions in total.

Final result ? I really can't complain. I'm quite sure the handsurgeon was very competent. The large scars (and the small skin transplant) make my hand palm feel a bit like leather, and it itches often, but ... I accept that is normal.
I was told I wasn't really an easy case.
Only after the surgery I started looking around, ie on the internet, for information about the ...'s disease.
So, when I saw the problem start and increase on my other hand, I decided to go for NA.

For more info on my NA treatment, see my posts under "Finally a Controlled study on NA Vs OS." and ... don't hesitate if you have questions.

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