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06/14/2005 23:40
06/14/2005 23:40
claim for costs

Hi again Christine.
I have been to Paris and had an NA treatment on one hand. I am due to return in September to have the other hand treated. I was given a receipt and told to claim the money back from the NHS. This is proving very difficult to do.
My emails to the DH revealed that; 1. The E112 only pays back the cost of treatment and only if one goes down the road of, a referral from a Consultant and agreement from the PCT.
2. This is the reply I have had regarding the EU regulations.

While you have indicated you do not wish to apply for treatment under the
E112 procedure, you still need to apply to your local Primary Care Trust
(PCT) for them to decide whether they will fund your treatment in France.
However, if the specific procedure (needle fasciotomy) for Dupuytrens
Contracture is not a benefit provided by the NHS, you will not have a
automatic right to have this procedure provided in France, at NHS expense.

The European Community health care Regulations are silent about
accommodation and travel costs. However, there is a case before the
European Court of Justice, on this issue, and until they rule on it PCTs
are not obliged to meet these costs.

Like I said, Banging heads on brick walls produces nothing but headaches. However, I have been in touch with the local MP who has passed my comment to the Minister for Health.
Lets see what happens with that.

    06/16/2005 23:21
    06/16/2005 23:21

    I also drew a blank when I tried to claim back costs, getting pretty much the same reply. What is more, the cost of travel far outweighs the treatment cost so is it really worth all that hassle of getting a referral etc? I also contacted my M.P. who in turn wrote to the Minister of Health. Let us hope that if enough people make a fuss about this that we can get it up and running here. It may be a long road though from what I have encountered so far.

      06/16/2005 23:35
      06/16/2005 23:35
      Be a thorn in their sides

      I also have written to my MP who has contacted the Minister of Health who in turn has passed my claim to my local PCT. It will be interesting to see what comes of that.
      You are correct, it is not really worth claiming the cost back unless travel etc can be claimed also. I feel sorry for the people who are suffering who cannot afford to travel for the procedure.

        06/19/2005 23:17

        not registered

        06/19/2005 23:17

        not registered

        Be a thorn in their sides

        Hi Sarah,

        I beg to differ on a particular point you made, '...it is not really worth claiming the cost back unless travel etc can be claimed also'. I understand your perspective HOWEVER, by not jumping through the hoops to get a claim paid your govt will not KNOW that NA is wanted/valued unless there are claims-paid-out to prove it. The physician on staff will certainly know the claims are being paid...he might tell his cronies about it over lunch one day. 'They are all going to France and WE are paying for it'. ;-)

        Or....Imagine for a moment an MP who is getting 4 calls a month by patients wanting to go to France for NA ...he probably has a buddy in the area who is a physician...then over lunch they get to talking.....bingo...same process... then NA in your area! :-)

        It all takes patience but we have made HUGE strides in spreading the word about NA over the last four years using this exact method...telling people...and utilizing all avenues just to get a point across.

        Paperwork is tedious but can also be a weapon. :-)


        Squeeze the politians every way you can my Brit friends - it will get the message across that you want NA.

          06/21/2005 23:40

          not registered

          06/21/2005 23:40

          not registered


          I agree the more fuss we make the better - I think that a lawyer could challenge the DoH as a breach of EU lay and there is no question that the PCT can choose to reimburse - I know of cases of very expensive operation that was reimbursed following an NHS complaint.
          You can make a complaint to the PCT about their refusal to commission the service and if you are not satisfied (which you won't be unless they pay you). You can go to the Healthcare Commission - a very important body responsiiblee for standards and inspection and finally to the Ombudsman. The Healthcare Commission is parituarly interested in what complaints can tell them about the systems and implmentation of standards. I would recommend going down this line.
          I have thought about it, but unfortunately I am a bad example for NA. My DP gallops and returns every 3 months. While I am a complete fan of NA, it is likely that an operation in my case may be more long lasting - not that I am going for that option - I prefer Paris any day.

            06/21/2005 23:34

            not registered

            06/21/2005 23:34

            not registered


            Wow. Thanks Christine for the explanation on how to utilize the system. Every stride we make towards advancing acceptance/payment of NA will be a step towards helping ourselves, and our children/grandchildren. :-)


              07/09/2005 23:51
              07/09/2005 23:51

              I have made a claim for repayment of the NA to my PCT via my MP. I will let you all know how it goes.

                08/08/2005 23:33

                not registered

                08/08/2005 23:33

                not registered


                Have read your email(NHS and NA).At the moment I am waiting to see a consuktant to have my DC confirmed.I am presumming I will be offered surgery.
                If I refuse, and opt for needle aproneurotomy, can anyone tell me how to set about finding a doctor abroad (Paris would be good), and what sort of paperwork would I need?
                Rita (ritamarkillie@yahoo.com)

                  08/08/2005 23:32
                  08/08/2005 23:32
                  NA in Paris etc

                  Hello Rita,
                  Here is the web page for details of doctors who do the NA procedure in France and other countries in Europe. Most of them include their email address.
                  You do not need any paperwork. Just email the doctor you decide to use and attach pictures of your hand.
                  Good luck

                    08/08/2005 23:44
                    08/08/2005 23:44

                    You may find it helpful to look at the web page
                    This is based in the USA but has lots of interesting information on Dupuytrens. Practitioners of NA listed on the web page were all trained in Paris.

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