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02/17/2006 23:33

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02/17/2006 23:33

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Biomedic labs advertizes their product Neprinol against IPP and Dupuytren (http://www.biomediclabs.com/peyronies_disease?gclid=CLi3xvbMooMCFS1ZEAodlFvSTw)

Does anyone know anything about it?

I never heard of it and some of their statements sound fishy:

"The idea behind taking enzymes to treat PD is to use a natural process of breaking up and eliminating abnormal fibrous tissue and foreign proteins. That's what these enzymes appear to be designed to do - break up the bad stuff that should not be there" - I doubt whether an enzyme decides that my Dupuytren cord should not be there ...

"The primary enzymes in NEPRINOL® are nattokinase and serrapeptase, accompanied by CoEnzyme Q10 and other enhancing nutritional elements, act to break down foreign fibrous tissue wherever it is detected in the body" - I found a note on the Internet that describes how nattokinase and serrapeptase eliminate blood clots (http://www.vrp.com/art/1227.asp) but no mentioning of Dupuytren.

The good aspect for Biomedic labs is that the daily does costs about 5 USD. If it actually removed Dupuytren and had no other side effects that might even be OK for some of us. But does it?


02/17/2006 23:30
02/17/2006 23:30
Neprinol / Nattokinase and Serrapeptase~dq~

I just checked out their site. Under forums a doctor commented that it may work for peyronies but not DC.

02/18/2006 23:26

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02/18/2006 23:26

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Their ad pops up when you google for Dupuytren:

Cure Dupuytren's Today
Neprinol Dissolves Fibrous Tissue
Buildup that Causes Dupuytren's


02/18/2006 23:12
02/18/2006 23:12
Doctors comment from Neprinol forum

Can Neprinol be successfully used for DuPuytren's contractures and the scar tissue resulting from surgery to correct the condition? My FIL has this condition and I am concerned the he is able to use something to prevent the return of the contractures in his hands. Although he has had surgery, he still has problems completely opening his hands and fully extending his fingers. I also want to know what neprinol can do for Rheumatoid Arthritis, as I have had this since I was twelve. My grandmother and Aunt has it and have had knee replacements, with the resultant pain and scar tissue. Can it resolve the pain and post surgical scar tissue?


Dr. Chris Serafini
Medical Doctors
Jr. Member

Karma: +19/-1
Posts: 57

Re: DuPuytren's Contractures and Rheumatoid Arthritis
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2005, 02:51:03 PM »

I hadnt heard of the condtion before so I did a bit of resaerch. Although we have not heard of any success from taking Neprinol for Dupuytren contracture, the condition is related to penile fibromatosis (Peyronie disease) for which we have heard many success stories for.

Problem: Dupuytren contracture, a disease of the palmar fascia, results in thickening and shortening of fibrous bands of the hands and fingers. The disease belongs to the group of fibromatoses that include plantar fibromatosis (Ledderhose disease), penile fibromatosis (Peyronie disease), and fibromatosis of the dorsum of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints (Garrod nodes or knuckle pads). Although the disease was attributed to Dupuytren because of his expertise on the clinical findings, pathogenesis, prognosis, and treatment of the disease, Plater and Cline provided the earliest known records of the disease and its surgical treatment, respectively.

FROM: http://www.emedicine.com/orthoped/topic81.htm

Neprinol works very well on Peyronies and Rheumatoid Arthritis Dr. Thoedore Herazy has written 2 articles on these subjects that you may read.

Please Read




dupytrens1.jpg (26 KB, 320x207 - viewed 114 times.)


02/18/2006 23:25

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02/18/2006 23:25

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Dr. Theodore Herazy is the one who promotes Neprinol on www.biomediclabs.com. He might be biased and that's why I thought a 2nd opinion or real life experience might be interesting.

Since then I found the disclaimer at the bottom of their web site. They advertize a drug against Dupuytren or Peyronie and then state
"The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease."

If that's the case then we should just forget about it. Sorry for bringing it up!


02/18/2006 23:31
02/18/2006 23:31
Neprinol / Nattokinase and Serrapeptase~dq~

I think that disclaimer holds true for most, if not all natural non perscription remedies. I would like to know if anyone has tried it or have some knowledge of it.

07/12/2006 23:34
Jeffery Chin

not registered

07/12/2006 23:34
Jeffery Chin

not registered

scar tissue

I have been inquiring whether neprinol truly removes scar tissue. As a result of a football injury, I have scar tissue in my nose and fingers. Would it remove those scar tissues?

07/16/2006 23:08

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07/16/2006 23:08

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The Odore Herazy looks like a con man but Im with Don and I thought i'd have a go as I figured that this statement may be normal for all natural medicines. It looks like a better idea taking this stuff (MSM PABA Vit E and Neprinol) than to eat meat and eggs all day anyway.

I have been Using Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) since my second plaque and im glad I have as my plaque stayed soft until gone with minimal chronic shape change. Vitamin E is a must for all PD sufferers and i'll take 800ius a day for the rest of my life. My Urologist said this is what he'd do if he had PD.

And to everyone - rock out with your cocks out. Dont let the shape bother you just keep getting good hard boners, maintain good circulation and drink plenty of water as to promote circulation during the day.

08/12/2006 23:14

not registered

08/12/2006 23:14

not registered

HELP !! Fibrous scar tissue victim

Hello, I'm 35 years old and I had an accident 6 months ago.
After the accident I underwent plastic surgery on my face, I hit my face and broke my nose, after surgery and after the accident the right part of my face was very swollen, days and months have gone by and my doctor told me I have fibrous scar tissue on the right part of my face and that there's no effective treatment for it. This swelling really disfigures my face and my mouth and my doctor told me there's nothing to do, Does anybody know anything effective to treat fibrous scar tissue?

10/06/2006 23:35
10/06/2006 23:35
Scar tissue and Neprinol

I started taking Neprinol to alleviate problems with scar tissue resulting from my surgery for a neo-bladder. I had had three different surgeries in a span of six months to remove scar tissue which had obstructed my urethra. I believe the Neprinol helped. I have not had to have surgery since January of 2006. I started taking Neprinol in April. I also take a homeopathic herbal remedy as well, but I strongly believe the Neprinol is the better of the two. I stopped taking it for a while and my problems worsened again. So I am back on it again as of a few days ago.

interphalangeal   Neprinol   successfully   Serrapeptase~dq~   respectively   gclid=CLi3xvbMooMCFS1ZEAodlFvSTw   Rheumatoid   contractures   serrapeptase   biomediclabs   replacements   fibrous   nattokinase   circulation   disease   Administration   fibromatosis   Dupuytren   perscription   surgery