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Link between liver disease and DD ?
08/19/2020 23:06
08/19/2020 23:06
Link between liver disease and DD ?

Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum. Glad I found it! I'm just wondering about the link of liver disease and Dupuytren's. I'm 62. Never had a problem with my hands--although I have done a lot of typing in my lifetime. Then, 2years ago--I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C (unknown origin). Fortunately, cured with medicine available. But--about a year ago- nodules in my right hand developed. No contracture yet, but middle finger not working right. Gets stuck sometimes & painful. Can't help but wonder if liver problem started this--I had stage 2 disease when treated for Hep C. (There are 4 stages of liver disease). And. Has anyone had success with taking Magnesium supplement ? I need to work again to survive. Need my hands !!!

08/20/2020 06:30


08/20/2020 06:30


Re: Link between liver disease and DD ?

Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum. Glad I found it! I'm just wondering about the link of liver disease and Dupuytren's. I'm 62. Never had a problem with my hands--although I have done a lot of typing in my lifetime. Then, 2years ago--I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C (unknown origin). Fortunately, cured with medicine available. But--about a year ago- nodules in my right hand developed. No contracture yet, but middle finger not working right. Gets stuck sometimes & painful. Can't help but wonder if liver problem started this--I had stage 2 disease when treated for Hep C. (There are 4 stages of liver disease). And. Has anyone had success with taking Magnesium supplement ? I need to work again to survive. Need my hands !!!
Liver disease usually comes up in association with alcohol when Dupuytren's is discussed, and a link remains unclear or disputed. This thread https://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_...s-0_1327_1.html has some links to publications on PubMed as does this https://dupuytrens.org/faq/what-other-co...-to-dupuytrens/ (under alcohol).

More on magnesium here https://dupuytrens.org/magnesium-and-dupuytren-disease/

Edited 08/20/20 09:33

supplement   contracture   publications   But--about   Dupuytren   Fortunately   sometimes   Hepatitis   available   Magnesium   dupuytren-online   disease   diagnosed   what-other-co   magnesium-and-dupuytren-disease   association   developed   dupuytrens   hands--although   Barbhashandproblem