Looking for Canadians |
06/01/2010 13:10
06/01/2010 13:10
Looking for Canadians
Are there any Canadians out there that can tell about their experiences. I am newly dignosed but have had foot problems for 3 years and hand concerns for over a year now. I live in Calgary and am looking for a good Doctor. Pearl
06/04/2010 02:09
06/04/2010 02:09
Re: Looking for Canadians
Hi Pearl. I live in Ontario and I had surgery last Nov. to correct a bent pinkie finger. The surgery was technically successful but unfortunately it triggered a major flare-up in my hand. Prior to the surgery I had a lump causing my small finger to contract and several lumps in my palm, but no cords in my palm and no pain. For 3 months after the surgery my hand rapidly got worse despite having physio twice a week. I was in almost constant pain with extreme stiffness, about 2 months post surgery I had lost most of the use of my hand. I was not able to make a proper fist, holding a paring knife to peel potatoes was very painful and I did not have enough strength to pour a full kettle to make tea. After almost 4 months of physio I called it quits and decided that it was better to just rest my hand. My surgeon had spent about 5 min with me prior to the surgery, he looked at my hand and said "you have Dupuytren's, it's genetic, there is lots of info online, I'll book you for surgery." I didn't properly research it prior to the surgery, I certainly have now. The surgery has a 20% complication rate, higher if you are a woman and if you have knuckle pads or family history. I wish I'd known that prior to the surgery! I have a referral to Dr. Binhammer in Toronto for NA but have yet to see him. My hand has settled down in the last few months and I can now use it. The finger that was operated on has bent back down to where it was 6 months ago prior to the surgery but it doesn't full flex and is not very useful. I'm hoping the Dr. Binhammer can help with NA, I won't have surgery again. If my pink finger gets completely bent and in the way I'm think that I'd rather have it amputated than go with surgery and physio again. The last time I saw my surgeon he couldn't get me out of his office fast enough, I think I was a major disappointment to him. Sorry I can't be of help to you, just don't rush into surgery, consider your options and if you do have the surgery delay it as long as possible. Good luck. Madeline
06/04/2010 02:54
06/04/2010 02:54
Re: Looking for Canadians
The one thing in my favor is that the plastic surgeon I was refered to is excellent and I know several of his patients. However what disapoints me is that there are no other options here. I do not need surgery at present but want to research my options. Frustrating. I also have a plastic surgeon who has done some major operations on me due to the cancer. Let me know how you do. I am visiting your province next week for the Worlds Dragon Boat festival for Breast cancer survivors. I am stuborn and need my hands so want to find out all I can. Pearl