Looking for doctors with experience in the Madison Wisconsin area. |
12/30/2013 17:13
12/30/2013 17:13
Looking for doctors with experience in the Madison Wisconsin area.
So, I know that I have Dupuytren's disease as several brothers and sisters in my family have had. I am looking for physicians that have excellent experience in either NA or RT therapies. I an not ready to do under the knife just yet although I am not ruling that route out either. I would just like to explore and have an evaluation based on the least invasive procedures first. Any thought or suggestions are welcomed.
(Just from what I can tell, I have several nodes and cords on the left hand - and seems to be very slowly advancing and I have 1 cord and several nodes on my right hand)
01/15/2014 16:36
01/15/2014 16:36
Re: Looking for doctors with experience in the Madison Wisconsin area.
bgoff, for radiation therapy, you could do what I did, since you are also located in a city with a big university medical center. Find the name of the head of the radiation oncology department at a university hospital, and email him/her. Such a person is likely to be interested in trying something new, if they haven't done it before -- just be sure to print some reprints of medical journal articles by the Germans to take with you to your consultation.
01/28/2014 14:25
SteveAbramsnot registered
01/28/2014 14:25
SteveAbramsnot registered
Re: Looking for doctors with experience in the Madison Wisconsin area.
I live in Madison and have Dupuytren's. 9 years ago, hand folks here only wanted to do surgery. I flew to Florida and had Eaton (while he was still practicing) do NA and was well satisfied. Good luck.