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low level laser treatment of dupuytrens
02/03/2009 00:26
02/03/2009 00:26
low level laser treatment of dupuytrens

I was diagnosed with duputrens in both hands,in Jan 07. I was told hand surgery was the only treatment, and that was done when severe damage was done. A friend suggested low level laser treatment.I had 7 treatments of 1/2 hour each,it stopped the growth of the nodules, and rope type growths, in fact it softened them noticably. Almost exactley 1 year later, I again noticed the hardening of the nodules and returned to the treatments,5 of them this time. Again I was pleased with the results. This month, 1 year later, I am again undergoing the laser. There is no pain or discomfort, or side effects in the treatments, just warmth, and shrinkage, and softning of the nodules. I may be lucky in that I caught it early, never had any pain or discomfort from the dupuytrens, just the disfigurement of my hands, were the symptons I noticed. I am hoping yearly visits to the laser will keep it at bay, as it is such a simple way for me to deal with it, compared to everything other people are going thru! I get the treatments from a natureopathic medicine physician in Tucson, Ariz. this is considered one of the many uses for the low level laser. Possivly this will give someone else something to check into Thank you, Kaye

02/03/2009 10:27
02/03/2009 10:27

Re: low level laser treatment of dupuytrens

Laser therapy is mentioned in here http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...s_research.html and now you've mentioned its use for Dups, which wasn't known. If you have the time and funds then it's an option perhaps but that would be expensive (I doubt that it would be available on the NHS and it's difficult, if you don't know about Dr Goode, to even get radiotherapy here) and time consuming in the UK. Does it do anything to the underlying disease or is it purely a management tool?

No matter, if you're happy with it then good stuff

Cambidgeshire, UK.

Edited 02/04/09 11:52

02/03/2009 16:10
02/03/2009 16:10
Re: low level laser treatment of dupuytrens

"Laser" therapy for DC has been promoted in the past by at least one clinic in the US. This is the first report I've seen of positive results, I've seen no supporting studies so I've been very skeptical. I would be more impressed to hear of actual disappearance of nodules or cords - the variable and unpredictable progression of DC makes therapies hard to evaluate. But, here we have a positive report so maybe there is something here.

02/03/2009 16:28

not registered

02/03/2009 16:28

not registered

Re: low level laser treatment of dupuytrens

There is also a clinic in Hamburg, Germany, offering laser treatment but they refused to gice any details of their treatment and did not want theri name to appear on our web site. That made me sceptical though one patient reported improvement of her Ledderhose nodules. We also had a discussion on "cold laser" in our forum about a year ago http://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_E...29&page=1#7. If your search this forum for "laser" you find about 90 posts alltogether. Still, there is no clear evidence for its effectiveness. I also had the feeling that there is some marketing purpose behind. But who cares as long as it helps. But does it??


02/03/2009 18:09
02/03/2009 18:09
Re: low level laser treatment of dupuytrens

I've posted previously re my experience with cold laser. I was diagnosed in early '05 with dupuytrens. At the time I had two small nodules and cords on my right hand. After a few months the nodules doubled in size. I started cold laser treatment in November '05 thru about April '06. The cords and one nodule complete disappeared, leaving me with one very tiny nodule. It has remained the same to this date. The treatments were painless and cost was $50 per treatment. I had dozen or so treatments.

02/05/2009 19:02
02/05/2009 19:02
Re: low level laser treatment of dupuytrens

Linda, did you actually have a contracture (a measurable loss of finger extension) and if so, did you regain the lost range of motion?

02/08/2009 08:24

not registered

02/08/2009 08:24

not registered

Re: low level laser treatment of dupuytrens

It sounds to me that this may be worth pursuing for me--even if only a few have had benefit. The cost is low compared to radiation and also the side effects--even potential seem low or non existent. Could Linda or anyone say how does one find someone giving cold laser treatment? Is it done as a medical procedure in medical centers? If so, what department is it under? How would I go about finding someone who gives cold laser therapy. Probably, like radiation, it may not work for established contractures (although I'll be interested in the answer to JimH's question) but it seems worth a try on a new nodule or cord?

Linda, I hope you are monitoring. Or perhaps Wolfgang could answer if he knows. And also J Ann Runner--did you do the cold laser and did it have an effect for you? I hope you are monitoruing also. Joe, did you try it? Anyone else?

02/09/2009 18:20
02/09/2009 18:20
Re: low level laser treatment of dupuytrens

I received my cold laser treatment from Dr. Solomon of Desert Laser Center, in Palm Springs, CA. I was referred to him by a friend for treatment of Carpal Tunnel syndrome and learned that he also used the laser treatment for DUPS. For me, it worked for both DUPS and Carpal Tunnel. For more information I suggest you "google" cold laser therapy or cold laser treatment. You also might be able locate someone in your area by using the internet.

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