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Mayo Clinic lists NA and Radiation as Alternatives to Surgery
05/29/2008 04:37
05/29/2008 04:37
Mayo Clinic lists NA and Radiation as Alternatives to Surgery

Mayo Clnic website mentions steroid injections, radiation therapy, and needle aponeurtomy as alternatives to surgery.



05/29/2008 19:15
05/29/2008 19:15

Re: Mayo Clinic lists NA and Radiation as Alternatives to Surgery

Thanks Dr. Keith. You always mange to find good stuff like this!

Alternatives to Open Surgery are still not mainstream, but we are continuing to pound away at the inertia of outdated medical thinking. This Overview of treatment options should be required reading for all new patients who have been assigned the Standard Issue Hand Surgeon who's only game plan is to put you under General and Cut. Mayo has now added additional legitimacy to the opinions often expressed here and previously on the now defunct BioS Forum. The ice is melting :-)

Edited at 05/29/08 22:16

06/29/2008 14:45
06/29/2008 14:45

Re: Mayo Clinic lists NA and Radiation as Alternatives to Surgery

Thank-you for the Mayo Clinic news. I am waiting for a definitive diagnosis from a "hand surgeon" but am told that my lumps are probably Dupuytren.
I have played so much golf over 50 years, 36 a day as often as I could or more. My body seems to be paying the price now.
My mother is 93 an doesn't communicate much anymore but has a left hand that is curled from the pinkie in about 3 fingers...I just assumed this was from a stroke or something until I found out about DD...perhaps this is the reason.
I really don't want hand surgery and was so grateful to see that the Mayo suggests the other treatments Ive been looking at on-line.
Just wanted to say thank-you. I live in Canada and so far have not found anyone that has a special interest in alternative solutions for DD


06/29/2008 19:29
06/29/2008 19:29
Re: Mayo Clinic lists NA and Radiation as Alternatives to Surgery

Your comments are interesting. I think there is a relationship between the golf grip and Dupuytren's. My Duputren's developed in the same location as the wear on my golf glove (which indicated most pressure). I played 18 three times a week. There were many other golfers in our group(s) with Dupuytren's. I had surgery in January 2002 and hand has been perfect since. No contracture or any indication of Dupuytren's.

06/30/2008 01:35
06/30/2008 01:35
Re: Mayo Clinic lists NA and Radiation as Alternatives to Surgery

Callie, Thanks for your post. I'm wondering how well or if you are still able to play golf after the surgery ?
My radiation therapy is delayed for 5 months now and while I was a stage N0, I may be too far progressed and will require surgery. Thanks, Meg

06/30/2008 03:54
06/30/2008 03:54
Re: Mayo Clinic lists NA and Radiation as Alternatives to Surgery

Six and a half years following surgery, there is no indication that I have ever had Dupuytren's except looking very closely the zigzag scar is barely visible. Golf, or any other activity, is no different than before. I do realize that not everyone has had the successful outcome that I have had. Prior to the surgery, Dupuytren's did not bother my golf. My little finger was at 90 degrees contracture and had a natural wrap around the golf clubs.

07/20/2008 16:12
07/20/2008 16:12
Re: Mayo Clinic lists NA and Radiation as Alternatives to Surgery

Hi Everyone,

Your posts gave me hope, but may I ask has anyone been treated at the Mayo Clinic??? I put in two frustrating calls to them yesterday. The end result is that I do have a doctor reviewing my information and than if he thinks he can help me a appt. will be made. Anyhow I went round and round with the clinic specialist that gathers possable patient information. Every time I mentioned any of the treatments other than surgery that were written about at there site. She insisted that that site "mayo.com"just describes illnesses and doesnt mean they perform that treatment. She claimed the real site is mayo.org.............? Now Im disalusioned, To this day I dont know if they do or do not perform these altrnative treatment???? HELP does anyone know?


07/20/2008 17:24
07/20/2008 17:24
Re: Mayo Clinic lists NA and Radiation as Alternatives to Surgery

Hi Terry,

I wondered that about the Mayo Clinic also when I looked at their web site...they mention these other treatments but don't say whether they offer them at their clinic. It does seem do be difficult to get get the process going with some doctors....for example, I called the doctor's office in at Scripps in LaJolla who is listed on the Dupuytren Society web site and talked to the nurse...she was very nice and asked me to email photos, information, etc., and told me she would talk to the doctor and get back to me...and I never heard back!!!

Is there any possiblity of your seeing Dr. Kline in Boise (I think you mentioned in another post you lived in Nevada)? Maybe you've seen his website (he has Dupuytren's and I think it's somewhat of a mission of his to help people with this disease)? I saw him in June and he said I was a good candidate for radiation therapy, so he referred me to Dr. Kuhn at St. Luke's in Boise. It is some travelling (I live in Seattle), but if you could swing that, it would be an option, and Dr. Kuhn apparently has a lot of experience treating this, which is a plus.


09/13/2008 09:38

not registered

09/13/2008 09:38

not registered

Re: Mayo Clinic lists NA and Radiation as Alternatives to Surgery

There is a CHS named Dr. B. Elhassan who has done NA at Mayo in Minnesota

10/19/2008 20:58

not registered

10/19/2008 20:58

not registered

Re: Mayo Clinic lists NA and Radiation as Alternatives to Surgery

We are going to Mayo tomorrow to have Dr. Rizzo do a NA procedure on my husband. We'll let you know how it goes.

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