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02/17/2014 17:40
02/17/2014 17:40

I went to a hand doctor 2 years ago when my little finger was partially bent and the doctor told me it was a tendon problem and not to be too concerned about it unless it starts to hurt. Well a year and a half went by and the little finger continued to bend but still no pain. I wasn't too concerned until it became difficult to wear a glove. My wife made an appointment with another hand doctor and after a 30 second diagnosis he determined that I had Dupuytrens and needed immediate surgery because of the advanced stage.

My question is this. Would the outcome and recovery have been easier and quicker if I had the surgery done before the finger became severely bent because of the amount of time that the disease progressed.

I'm still very surprised and upset that the Doctor misdiagnosed the disease and how aloof she seemed to be with her very quick diagnosis and advice. " Don't worry about it if it doesn't hurt" From everything I've read about Dupuytrens, it does not hurt!

02/17/2014 21:40


02/17/2014 21:40


Re: Misdiagnosis

Hi mattgineo

You don't say how much contracture your pinkie has? There are some informal guidelines that would recommend Xiaflex or NA at earlier stages of contractures if the cord(s) can be isolated. The pinkie can be harder to treat successfully in any case, but more so with severe contracture even with surgery.

02/18/2014 00:23
02/18/2014 00:23
Re: Misdiagnosis

But on the bright side, my little finger was contracted over 90 degrees when I had surgery over 12 years ago. The finger is still perfect and no signs of Dupuytren's.

02/18/2014 12:38
02/18/2014 12:38
Re: Misdiagnosis

But on the bright side, my little finger was contracted over 90 degrees when I had surgery over 12 years ago. The finger is still perfect and no signs of Dupuytren's.

Thanks for the positive news. I'll keep my fingers crossed! Pardon the pun.

surprised   determined   successfully   concerned   appointment   progressed   contracture   everything   immediate   Dupuytrens   diagnosis   partially   Dupuytren   guidelines   contracted   surgery   Misdiagnosis   contractures   recommend   misdiagnosed