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My latest on Dupuytren's.
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07/26/2013 07:10
07/26/2013 07:10

My latest on Dupuytren's.

I have read the Posts with interest and even how Brian had a finger amputated. There is a Dr in Sydney who does N/A which sounds rather unpleasant. So I checked around and found a Dr. in Newcastle who is a hand surgeon and has done a lot of Dupy operations successfully. He said he only operates when the bend in the finger is at a certain stage and one of mine is. He has just done a carpal tunnel by keyhole surgery on my left hand and when he does my right I am hoping he will do my bent finger as well. He said it's similar to trigger finger and carpal tunnel where he releases the tendon. I asked if the release is permanent and if my finger will straighten afterwards and he said Yes. I will need some physio after surgery. There was no pain after trigger finger and carpal tunnel surgery and he said there shouldn't be after dupuytren's either.

07/26/2013 12:22
07/26/2013 12:22

Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.

Trigger8; Sorry to be Mr Negative but I think you have found the tooth fairy. All surgeons seem to say that they only operate after the finger is contracted more than a certain degree so no news there. But to have found the surgeon that knows it won't come back after surgery that's something else. Make sure he give you that guarantee in writing and check that his insurance is paid up.

07/26/2013 21:25
07/26/2013 21:25

Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.

That is why I posted. I couldn't understand it after reading all the negative Posts. This surgeon was quite matter of fact about the success of the operation. As for his insurance - this is Australia and we don't go around suing everyone! I intend going ahead with the Op. I have just had one hand operated on for carpal tunnel and he said he wants to operate on the other in 2 months and that is when I will ask him to do the Dupys Op at the same time. I will keep you posted but I have no idea of the time frame of when you expect it to come back. Have you had unsuccessful surgery?

07/26/2013 22:34
07/26/2013 22:34
Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.

My surgery 11 years ago was a complete success. There is no indication that I ever had Dupuytren's in my little finger. The contracure was greater than 90 degrees prior to surgery.

07/27/2013 10:34
07/27/2013 10:34

Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.

Australia Calling Hi Helen ,Welcome to the forum .Is your Surgeon an Upper Limb/Hand Surgeon or a Plastic Surgeon who does hands. Firstly there is no known cure for Dupuytren's Disease. You might have a look at the video given by Prof Degreef in her 2010 presentation. Go to research on the right window of the home page and scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the link. I.ve had many surgeries including grafts and the younger you are it seems the more likely it is that the disease will be more aggressive. You did not mention what degree of contracting you have. Which of your fingers are affected.
Trigger finger is often associated with this disease often post surgery. I was advised to keep my hand elevated and rest it on the shoulder and above the heart line post surgery . Flex the hand often and try to make a closed fist even using the other hand to help. The use of the different strength squeeze balls also helps to gain strength. Don't overdo it .In my case I found the mobility I had after 4 to 6 week was the end result. Has your surgeon explain the surgery in detail .
You should be aware that in some patients the surgery triggers the disease and starts the clock ticking towards the next surgery. NA is another option . NA after surgery generally is a non event because of scar tissue. If you choose surgery use a scar gel .I don't know if "Scar Soft" is available in OZ however I have seen a similar product out of the USA in the chemist. The reduction of scaring will reduce the tendency toward contraction in the area of surgery .Regards.

Edited 07/27/13 14:42

07/27/2013 20:15
07/27/2013 20:15
Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.

My surgery 11 years ago was a complete success. There is no indication that I ever had Dupuytren's in my little finger. The contracure was greater than 90 degrees prior to surgery.

Callie--Was your surgery just on the pinky? What type of recovery time? Thank you

07/27/2013 23:24
07/27/2013 23:24

Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.

Hi Newman,
Could you please give me a link to Prof deGree? I read about awards but couldn't find the video.
My Dupy's started 2 years ago. Over 2 years I have had 8 trigger fingers released but not the little fingers. Immediately after the bandages were removed each time I found a hard nodule and what appeared to be a cord beneath the finger but not the thumbs so I have 6 nodules and cords and two fingers are bending, the middle and ring finger of my right hand. I don't know what the degree of bend is but the Surgeon did the measuring. He is a Hand Surgeon. He started off doing feet and hands but now only operates on Hands. I am in my 70's and no one in my family has this problem as far as I am aware. A few months ago I started having pins and needles in my arms and weakness in my hands. A neurologist zapped me with electric shocks and found I had moderate to severe carpal tunnel syndrome so the hand surgeon operated 4 days ago on one hand and I get the stitches out in 3 days and he will do the other hand in 2 months and that is when I am hoping he will release the first of my bent fingers. Then I will go to the physiotherapist for massage and exercises. I am not very worried about scars because I am already scarred from the trigger finger surgery. From what I have read all these things, trigger finger, carpal tunnel and dupuytren's are all related well at least they are all tendon problems. I just don't know why I had to get the lot! I must say though I am still learning about this disease and it might be with me for a long time having so many fingers involved.

07/27/2013 23:41
07/27/2013 23:41
Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.

link here http://dupuytrensymposium.com/program.html

and here http://www.youtube.com/user/DupuytrenFoundation/videos

Ilse Degreef

07/28/2013 00:30
07/28/2013 00:30

Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.

Thanks. I have just started watching.

07/28/2013 00:34
07/28/2013 00:34

Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.

I haven't seen if this is usual but the joints in my two affected fingers are very large and if I press any of the 6 nodules they really hurt. Some of the cords hurt too.

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