My latest on Dupuytren's. |
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07/29/2013 05:58
07/29/2013 05:58

Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.
You are all so amazingly supportive and informative. No one has answered whether their joints have enlarged in the fingers that are bending. The pain is quite bad in the fingers at times. My GP thought it was rheumatoid arthritis but the tests were negative. I don't know why these two fingers are doing this but perhaps it is osteo arthritis.
07/29/2013 12:02
07/29/2013 12:02
Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.
Hi Trigger8. My doctor also thought I had rheumatoid arthritis because of the size of my joints. The PIP joints on my right index and left middle fingers are huge and painful. I also have smaller knuckle pads on three other fingers. All of them hurt when I try to make a fist and the two worst ones don't close more than half way. They are also very tender when pressed or banged. I recently had cortisone shots for the two bad fingers, which worked wonders for the pain but it wore off after only three months. I had NA in both fingers which caused a major flare with many new painful nodules but the NA was basically unsuccessful. I received a round of RT in Germany and most of the new nodules shrunk and are no longer painful. I'm waiting until I have another NA procedure and possible trigger release before I have my second round of RT because I expect another flare.
As others have suggested, the procedures you've had so far have most likely caused the Dupuytrens to flare. If that's the case, anything you do to treat the problem will likely cause new ones. It's very discouraging but not hopeless. Some folks here have been through many procedures and manage to stay on top of their disease. It's unfortunate that you need to go through this at such a young age.
One point of interest. When I was in my late twenties, I developed two painful knucklepads on my left ring and pinkie fingers after I banged them hard playing volleyball. They went away on their own a few years later. Looking back on it, I believe that this was my first DD flare. It might be worth not doing anything invasive for a little while to see whether the DD calms down on it's own. Just a thought.
07/29/2013 12:05
07/29/2013 12:05
Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.
Oops. I had you confused with another poster who was quite young. Hahaha. Still might not be a bad idea to see if things calm down on their own, though.
01/28/2014 17:34
01/28/2014 17:34
Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.
newman: The repeat surgeries time frame for me varied ,as I said I have had many surgeries and the time frame got shorter and shorter between each surgery.
Newman, Did your dupuytren's "start up" at roughly the same time after each surgery? I had a completely successful fasciectomy dec 2nd on my right thumb and 1st webspace, everything felt awesome, no pain right from the start. I had full function, and repeat, no pain. It was heaven!!! Just last week, out of the blue, the gritty pain and tightness crept back and now cords are forming. Very similar to my simpler procedure I had in Feb/13 and 8 weeks later it returned. Two procedures done in one year and this disease comes right back in the same place. I'm still wearing a splint for more than 12 hrs a day. It seems like 8 weeks is my curse...
02/05/2014 03:02
02/05/2014 03:02
Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.
Hi all, I have just learnt about this website and am interested in hearing and learning more. I have had Dupuytrens for 2 years, and am now 52 yr old woman. I had a double carpal tunnel release 2 years ago and this aggravated the Dupies. I didn't know there was such a thing but my surgeon told me later that there was a chance the carpal tunnel op could bring them on due to the trauma on the hands. Since the carpal tunnel op I have had ongoing problems. The pains in both me hands, at the wrists, palms and also numbness in fingers has been unbearable at times. I have had to give up my computer job at a bank and retrain this year as I just couldn't go on with the sleepness nights and pain. The Dupies have continued to grow on my right palm. I look forward to hearing your ideas and stories. Cheers
02/05/2014 07:51
spanishbuddha  Administrator
02/05/2014 07:51
spanishbuddha  Administrator
Re: My latest on Dupuytren's.
janmatthews: Hi all, I have just learnt about this website and am interested in hearing and learning more. I have had Dupuytrens for 2 years, and am now 52 yr old woman. I had a double carpal tunnel release 2 years ago and this aggravated the Dupies. I didn't know there was such a thing but my surgeon told me later that there was a chance the carpal tunnel op could bring them on due to the trauma on the hands. Since the carpal tunnel op I have had ongoing problems. The pains in both me hands, at the wrists, palms and also numbness in fingers has been unbearable at times. I have had to give up my computer job at a bank and retrain this year as I just couldn't go on with the sleepness nights and pain. The Dupies have continued to grow on my right palm. I look forward to hearing your ideas and stories. Cheers
Welcome to the forum and website Jan. There's plenty of success stories on here, also sadly some unhappy ones. The website treatment tab has information on established treatments and care options. Users on the forum have a wealth of experience on what works and what does not. Best wishes SB
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