My Paris trips is confirmed |
07/06/2008 01:17
07/06/2008 01:17
My Paris trips is confirmed
I am travelling to Paris late August for NA with Dr Lermusiaux for my appointment on 3rd September. I am female 48 and I have two finger in my right hand affected, my ring at 90 degress and the middle finger at about 75 degrees.
My left hand is showing rapid change in 3 finger but all are still straight. I must say that watching progression is a curious thing. I experience deep itching and I am quite sure that after several days of this sensation another nodule will erupt. I can feel a possible 15 nodules in my hands and several cords.
I am aware that this is more a male disease I have asked my 4 brothers and only one, my older brother has what appears to be one very inactive nodule.
I believe that this has definetaley come from my fathers side of the family as I remember my great aunt with both hands completely contracted with her fingers being very withered her hands where like this for the last 30 years of her life. Something that I do not want to happen to me. She was told that she had a form of non painful arthritis. this diagnoses was on the 1970's by a country doctor in outback NSW. When I think about it it is such a shame, things may have been different for her if she like was able to research and reaseach and find NA as some point. By talking to family members I feel sure she had Dups.
I am wondering if anyone out there who has travelled to Paris has any tips. I have never travel outside Australia and I am travelling on my own. Unfortunately my husband will be held up in Jordan with his work and wont be able to meet me for support.
Could someone let me know what I should expect and if I should organise some kind of support for say 24 hours or is it all quite managable, as I suspect.
Anyway this is my very first blog to anywhere, so hope to hear from some one soon
Thanks Tracey
07/06/2008 08:06
07/06/2008 08:06

Re: My Paris trips is confirmed Australia Calling.
Australia Calling. Hi Tracey Mac, Welcome to the forum. Are you aware needle faciotomy is available in Aust. Have you looked on the Dupuytren Society web page Have you looked at the Australian Experience on N.A. For the address of the Drs.-Open the window on NA. Dr. Jennifer Green has rooms adjacent to the Sydney Airport. I have just returned from having follow up radiotherapy treatment in Essen Germany I have made contact with Dr, Greg Bain in Adelaide and he is now carring out N.A. ( You must realise N.A. is not foreverybody and results can be poor if the pip joint is affected. ) It sounds that R.T. may be useful to the hand without the contraction. I have made contact with Dr, Borg at Adelaide Radiotherapy who knows the techniques used by Prof. Seegenschmied. and he will treat Dups. using low dose radiotherapy. This disease is not confined to men only, however records indicate that women generally are affected some 10 yrs later. If I can be of further help please contact me . Open up "my Profile" -go to send an email and scroll down to the newman to contact. Regards
07/06/2008 08:32
07/06/2008 08:32
Re: My Paris trips is confirmed
Yes I am aware that it is treated in Australia, I originally was connecting it with meeting my husband so made the decision to have it done in Paris. This was going to be a holiday as well. As they say "best laid plans can go astray", but I still feel more comfortable with seeing a more experienced Dr. The surgeon in Melbourne still seems to err to surgery for 90 degrees plus from my research. Adelaide and Melbourne are 1500 kilometres approximately, even though somewhat closer, I have been researching Dups since I found out just on 2 years ago and have consulted 2 hand surgeon in Sydney who thought I was quite mad, I think.
This really started my reaseach back then and I think I have also become very comfortable with seeing Dr Lermusiaux due to his extensive experience. I know that I will need further treatment and I would like to talk Dr L to find out who in Australia would suit my situation the best. From my research I think that mine may sound a little more agressive.
I would really appreciate your opinion in regard to the usual progression, I am now experiencing aching in the morning when I first wake up, is this usual, also the deep itching can be a bit much at times.
I look forward to hearing from you
07/07/2008 03:54
Guestnot registered
07/07/2008 03:54
Guestnot registered
Re: My Paris trips is confirmed
Greetings- I too chose to go to Dr. Badois (Dr. L's institute fellow physician so I could have my first NA performed by a seasoned pro). It was worth it. Excellent experience, Dr. Badois' english was fine, and the whole first procedure. Dups has reoccurred since then and I have been to others, but I agree you may want your first experience to be with the very few doctors in the world who have performed most of the procedures to date. Good choice.
07/08/2008 17:32
07/08/2008 17:32
Re: My Paris trips is confirmed
Hi Tracymac,
Good on you going all the way to Paris to get your NA done with Dr Lermusiaux. He is lovely and speaks excellent English. I presume that you have already booked you stay in Paris? Before you arrive buy a Paris pass. This entitles you to travel on the bus, trains and the underground and entrance to many museums and visitor attractions. Just 'google' Paris Visite and see which is right for you. There is nothing worse than standing in queues waiting to get tickets. I ordered mine on the internet and it was great arriving at the airport and hopping on the train into Paris. The metro to Gagny goes from the side of the Gare du Nord train station and the line is called Magenta. Gagny is just 20 minutes away on the Chelles/ Gournay line. In Paris you always look for the direction, ie "where is the line for Chelles/Gourney" Chelles is pronounced Shell. Most people will speak English to you if you start with a bit of French. Coming back into Paris you take the same line but the direction is Houseman, Saint-Lazare. It took about half an hour for Dr to do my hand. He will strap it up for you and tell you what to do afterwards. He will normally give you a surgeons glove to wear when washing so you do not get the hand wet. Take one with you for a spare. It was a bit painful for a couple of days but did not stop me doing anything. Just remember not to lift anything heavy with your right hand for a while. Be sure you can stay in Paris for a couple of days after the treatment just in case you need to see the Dr again. It would be rare if that was necessary.
Is there anything else I can help with? I am going on hols for a week from the 12th. Do you want to email me?
07/08/2008 17:44
07/08/2008 17:44
Re: My Paris trips is confirmed
Hi again Tracymac,
Suggest you use to look at the pass. Other websites can be confusing.
07/09/2008 05:01
07/09/2008 05:01
Re: My Paris trips is confirmed
Hi Marjorie
Thanks for your support and I am pleased that I am going to Paris. I feel sure that this is just a beginning for me and I will needing to further manage Dups in my left hand at least. Hopefully I will be able to have treatment in Australia for my left hand as I wont let it get to the degrees that my right hand is.
I know there are at least 3 Dr's doing NA here but the information that I have researched tells me that to start in Paris and in the future I maybe able have treatment closer to home.
Enjoy your holidays Cheers Tracey