na before contracture |
06/27/2010 02:46
06/27/2010 02:46
na before contracture
last october i had my early dups looked at by doctor badois, in a town about 20 minutes outside of paris. the doctor looked at my hand and i expected him to confirm that yes, indeed i have very early dups, as there was no contracture, or obvious evidence to warrant NA. but he asked if i wanted to have the procedure. at first i was surprised, but very excited. and then i said... yes, please. i had previously been told i had to wait till my finger curled to do anything. i had been very unhappy to hear that i needed to wait till things got worse. so ofcourse, it made me very happy that he was able to break cords. he said it would slow down the dups or it may not ever advance. well, its been over 8 months and i'm doing very well. sometimes, i have sensitivity or itchiness; but the nodules have remained soft. much softer than prior to the procedure, which was less than a bee sting and easy recovery. i am very grateful to dr. badois and would highly recommend him. if anyone wants more information, please let me know. if need be, i would pay him another visit.
06/27/2010 04:48
06/27/2010 04:48
Re: na before contracture
Wonderful news for you. Glad it is not progressing, at least not rapidly. I had NA done in Stage 1 (very early contracture (10-15 degrees) and glad I did.
06/27/2010 14:26
06/27/2010 14:26
Re: na before contracture
thanks. i'm still very conscious of protecting my left hand and very aware of each and every sensation. but i am very grateful for this site where i learned everything!!
06/27/2010 14:30
06/27/2010 14:30
Re: na before contracture
also...its interesting that some docs say they won't do na until it 45degrees and some will do it much earlier on. i'm glad you had good results. its just confusing about when to have an intervention. the first doc i saw was absolute in me waiting till there was contracture. dr badois did na without any contracture.
06/27/2010 15:25
06/27/2010 15:25
Re: na before contracture
Glad you had good results with you NA before contracture...what a smart idea. I wish I would have done that before my right hand pinkie was so contracted that NA was only partially successful and I had to repeat the NA on same finger four years later... But that was in 2006 when I didn't know much about NA and I had just started reading on this forum.
From now on, I am much more pro-active and watchful. I will do NA on any future contracture when its in early stage.
Also, be aware that radiation is another available treatment for early Dupuytrens when there is only nodules or indication of active disease i.e. burning, itching, tightness across the palm of the hand. I had radiation on my other hand (where I had no contracture) and it has stopped the progression of the disease, so far!
06/27/2010 15:40
06/27/2010 15:40
Re: na before contracture
thank you for your comments.
the forum is so key to help us. i am aware of RT. i've read about it here, but when i was offered another road, i went for it. and really it was, as so many of you know, very easy. .. no muss, no fuss. i have a son who lives in paris, so my visit was two-fold. good timing. i also have LD on my foot. it isn't bothering me so i won't bother it. my older brother also has both. he got contracture after a basketball injury and thought that it was an injury until i told him about dups. then we checked our feet. interesting, because my brother is a doctor, and he's very smart, but didn't put the two together. injury seems to have brought on the contracture. he will probably see dr. eaton in florida.
06/27/2010 16:07
06/27/2010 16:07
Re: na before contracture
susanbrody: thank you for your comments.
the forum is so key to help us. i am aware of RT. i've read about it here, but when i was offered another road, i went for it. and really it was, as so many of you know, very easy. .. no muss, no fuss. i have a son who lives in paris, so my visit was two-fold. good timing. i also have LD on my foot. it isn't bothering me so i won't bother it. my older brother also has both. he got contracture after a basketball injury and thought that it was an injury until i told him about dups. then we checked our feet. interesting, because my brother is a doctor, and he's very smart, but didn't put the two together. injury seems to have brought on the contracture. he will probably see dr. eaton in florida.
I have DD on both hands and LD on left foot...on right hand a contracted pinkie with PIP joint involved, and DIP with boutonierre deformity. Had NA in 2006 with Dr. Denkler in California and repeat NA on same finger in March 2010 with Dr. Eaton in Florida. I let my pinkie go too far for the NA to be totally successful, although its better for now.
Left hand only had tightness, itching, burning and many contracture. Left foot two marble size hard nodules, it wasn't bothering me when walking but nodules were growing and I was worried that they would give me trouble eventually.
I had radiation on my left hand and left foot in November 2009 with Dr. Tripuraneni at Scripps Hospital in LaJolla, CA. I am very happy I did because it stopped the progression. The nodules in my foot are much, much smaller and softer, almost hard to detect. My hand stopped burning and itching, the tightness is gone and I can open my hand much wider. The nodules in the hand are much smaller as well.