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New diagnosis feeling worried
05/06/2021 23:44
05/06/2021 23:44
New diagnosis feeling worried

Hi everyone,

Just looking for some guidance and support really. I’m female and in my early 30s, few weeks ago all of sudden found pea sized nodule on my left palm, following day noticed a thickening on my right palm which now feels like a nodule.

I’m quite worried! There isn’t any family history, I’m from a south Asian background so in terms of risk factors I couldn’t really think of any.

I enjoy going gym , lifting weights, CrossFit work outs and worried how this is going to affect my hobbies and life.

I have been doing some research and read about RT in early stages. Definitely feel that I want to do something to slow the progression as read that it can be more aggressive if under 50.
I would appreciate any advice


05/07/2021 05:02


05/07/2021 05:02


Re: New diagnosis feeling worried

Hi everyone,

Just looking for some guidance and support really. I’m female and in my early 30s, few weeks ago all of sudden found pea sized nodule on my left palm, following day noticed a thickening on my right palm which now feels like a nodule.

I’m quite worried! There isn’t any family history, I’m from a south Asian background so in terms of risk factors I couldn’t really think of any.

I enjoy going gym , lifting weights, CrossFit work outs and worried how this is going to affect my hobbies and life.

I have been doing some research and read about RT in early stages. Definitely feel that I want to do something to slow the progression as read that it can be more aggressive if under 50.
I would appreciate any advice

Hi an19

The first thing is to get a diagnosis from a hand specialist, as there can be different reasons for small 'lumps' in the hand.

If it is DD then it's difficult to say how or if it will progress, fast or slow. The majority of cases is slow although being quite young could indicate possibly otherwise. Read up on the options for treatment. Sometimes sore inflamed nodules can be treated quite well with a triamcinolone injection. If the condition does appear to be progressing rapidly then RT may be a possibility. Trauma or injury to the hands is a risk factor, and whilst you should pursue your sport and activities, some modification on the impact to your hands could be considered?

But, diagnosis from a hand Dr.

Best wishes SB

05/17/2021 03:25
05/17/2021 03:25
Re: New diagnosis feeling worried

Yup, be happy you are aware of it now, rather than later. You will need to make a few changes in your life to be 'aware' of being nice to your hands throughout the day. I would refrain from lifting weights, at least wear gloves and make the weight handles as large in diameter to reduce localized pressure points.

I found that the steering wheel creates a potential pressure point. Do not apply pressure to the nodules. Do Not Drink Beer! Early on in my life, I found that after drinking a beer my palms would itch. This eventually became the Dup. Evidently there is something in the beer that enables the growth. I believe other foods will also do this but with a lesser to no itch warning.

I just posted a note to the forum "Dup and Hand Relief". It has important info. I will tell you I have also been taking Serrapeptase which could possibly help shrink the nodules. It is a little pricey and I have been at it for only a month so far. I will be increasing the dosage to 6/day. I find this is the lowest cost /no sign up easy to buy from seller. Only buy the 250000SPU. I buy Serretia Brand. I believe soon there will be a non-invasive method.

I just got some Triamcinolone Cream but have no report on it yet. Injections are not very successful yet.


06/21/2021 06:24
06/21/2021 06:24
Re: New diagnosis feeling worried

The diagnosis of the nodule developing on your is very crucial as it can grow with time. After the diagnosis process, you need to make some changes in your lifestyle and be nicer to your hands. Avoid lifting weights in the gym or at least wear gloves. Also, avoid activities that put pressure on your hand. If you are going to diagnose this disease for the first time, you don't have to worry. The doctor will diagnose your condition and will suggest you the necessary treatment options.

diagnosis   pressure   thickening   non-invasive   couldn’t   worried   modification   Serrapeptase   successful   lifting   activities   Definitely   progression   appreciate   triamcinolone   possibility   aggressive   progressing   something   background