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new hope
06/12/2010 13:37

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06/12/2010 13:37

not registered

new hope

hi all i have noticed that when a new post has been written such as the recent one on related disseases, things seem to go quiet for a while ,its almost as if momentarily we all lose hope and darkness creeps in again.
I look in every day mainly to see if any miracle has happened overnight and a cure around the corner. yes i think there are many things associated with dups but there are a lot also caused by stress and other things as well, does any one know of research that is going on at the moment ?? or any ideas ? ihave been having accupuncture for some time now but too early to tell still.
perhaps it may be our ancestors had a deficency of a certain neutrient that has allowed this to be passed down and perhaps replenishment of a certain neutrient or mineral could help to at least stabilise this condition ?? who knows.

written   condition   stabilise   research   perhaps   overnight   certain   replenishment   accupuncture   momentarily   allowed   mineral   ancestors   associated   darkness   related   deficency   happened   neutrient   disseases