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New patient requests advice on finding a doctor
12/19/2008 15:44
12/19/2008 15:44
New patient requests advice on finding a doctor

My father suffered terribly from DC starting in his 40s and delayed treatment for many years until it was advanced. he tells me that doctors often had no idea about his DC. Eventually he had surgery in his 60s. It didn't turn out too well, he has never regained full use of his hands and he has never been able to pick up anything heavy thereafter. He's 78 now and there is really no reason to expect improvement.

At 43 years of age, round about the same age it started for my father, I have recently noticed the same 'puffiness' on my hands in the two spaces between the last three digits. That's how it started for dad, and my research suggests it's hereditary. My primary care physician has never heard of DC and pretty much dismissed me. I have no intentions of waiting until the disease is far along before seeking treatment.

My question: Is there an area of specialist that should be consulted for DC? I really don't have the funds to travel to doctors in other states and so forth, though I do have good health insurance. How do I find a doctor who is knowledgable and can help?

12/19/2008 16:36

not registered

12/19/2008 16:36

not registered

Re: New patient requests advice on finding a doctor

Did you already check out http://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_list_North_America.html ? The doctors listed there all understand Dupuytren's.


12/19/2008 18:39

not registered

12/19/2008 18:39

not registered

Re: New patient requests advice on finding a doctor

Yes, I did. I am in Michigan so the closest listed is Ohio and more than a 12 hour drive. In particular I was wondering if there was a general specialty to see. I'd be happy to drive such a distance to Ohio for surgery or a special procedure. At the stage I am at, I am guessing monitoring and consultation with my pcp. Research suggests that there are some drug therapies that might be useful like oral pentox or verapamil. So I was hoping to learn something and help me find someone local.
I have no disability at present, but knowing my father's hardship I would like to avoid it.

12/19/2008 18:44

not registered

12/19/2008 18:44

not registered

Re: New patient requests advice on finding a doctor

Actually Dad worked with his hands, he was a welder and iron worker so I will never suffer in the same way he did. He had to give up his hobby of making wrought iron masterpieces. I am a psychologist and the worst that will happen is a difficulty typing. Still, there have been a lot of advancements in the 20-30 years my dad had to cope with and myself now. He's retired.

12/21/2008 00:28
12/21/2008 00:28
Re: New patient requests advice on finding a doctor

Where in Mich ?

I live there too and may be able to give a referral.

I'm not on line every day at the moment so be patient.


12/22/2008 16:29
12/22/2008 16:29
Re: New patient requests advice on finding a doctor

Ypsilanti. BTW just noticed a typo. 12 hours should read 2 hours. Must have hit an extra key.
Thanks in advance.

12/25/2008 14:17
12/25/2008 14:17
Re: New patient requests advice on finding a doctor

I was told to find a doctor in my area through the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. These doctors should be familiar with the disease. You can look up a doctor in your area by going to the following website:


Good luck!


requests   particular   knowledgable   scriptcontent   understand   monitoring   dupuytren-online   patient   improvement   masterpieces   specialist   intentions   consultation   hereditary   psychologist   treatment   advancements   Eventually   difficulty   finding