New to DC |
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02/09/2008 21:00
02/09/2008 21:00
New to DC
I was diagnosed with DC about this time last week.. I had no idea what it meant nor what it was.. My doctor said I needed surgery and to cut back on my drinking ?? She showed me a few pictures and off I go.. well I have since found Doctor Terrence Barry in Florida who found for me the only Doctor in Canada who does NA.. which is the way I feel I will go at this time.. But most important I found this forum ..
I am in the beginning stages and I see now it is straying to my baby finger.. I am getting all my ducks in a row for the future .. I would not be doing any of this except for reading your own private histories.. I guess I want to say Thank You to this Forum and to you all for the information you have provided.. I will stay in touch with my own personal history as it unfolds.. Sincerely
Oh I forgot to Thank Newman .. Thank You
02/14/2008 22:13
02/14/2008 22:13
Re: New to DC
Well I have a consultation for March 4th.. my GP sent me to a plastic surgeon who does not do Needle release from the info I got on her online. Has anyone gone to a surgeon and said the want NA instead of OS.. I'm very nervous about the reaction I may get.. What with EGOS etc.. I have the early stages of Dupuytrens in my right hand and another small nodule showed up about 3 mths ago in my left hand.. I have all the info on the Dr I want to see but will need to be refered I hope she refers me to him.. Is there a proper way I should Go about asking for a referal .. To me it's a no brainer to have NA but this Surgical Clinic does not practise it.. My head is kind of spinning...
02/15/2008 16:16
Mike Snot registered
02/15/2008 16:16
Mike Snot registered
Re: New to DC
Well, I too (initially) went to a local (highly regarded) hand specialist/surgeon, for the purpose of confirming my self-diagnosis (DC). He confirmed the condition and recommended open surgery. Relative to NA, he was fairly dismissive saying you can go that route if you want to but it's not sometning that he woud ever consider doing.
PS: I had NA done by a doctor sourced from the predecessor to this Board and am extremely satisfied with the results. Good luck!
02/15/2008 22:15
02/15/2008 22:15
Re: New to DC
Well, I too (initially) went to a local (highly regarded) hand specialist/surgeon, for the purpose of confirming my self-diagnosis (DC). He confirmed the condition and recommended open surgery. Relative to NA, he was fairly dismissive saying you can go that route if you want to but it's not sometning that he woud ever consider doing.
PS: I had NA done by a doctor sourced from the predecessor to this Board and am extremely satisfied with the results. Good luck!
Thank you Mike your experience helps me organize my thoughts 
I'm thinking I'll contact the surgeon I INtend to see, explaining my situation.. My assigned surgeon is highly qualified with Dupuytren's surgeory .. I'm sure they're aware of each other. I live in Canada and there are not very many NA surgeons. I'll do this if she gives me the same dismissive attiude you unfortunately received.
02/16/2008 02:44
02/16/2008 02:44

Re: New to DC
Australia Calling . Hi Roannsh. Rember Dupuytrens is a slow growing disease ,which can become dormant , it can be aggressive or mild, so dont panic. Look at Radiotherapy . I have no experience with NA but it appears that patients have a severe contraction ,when the have this done. Radiotherapy is best in the early stage although I 've recently had the treatment as I had a number of nodules (lumps ) started growing. All the lumps in my right hand have gone and the one remaining on my index left finger had reduced 75% in size and I am hopeful it will continue to reduce. Be well informed before going to the medicos. You call the shots and tell your general practioner who you want to be referred to . Don"t be afraid to ask the specialist how may patient they have seen with MD. Download the infor from Seegenschmiedt from the Dup/Society web page and send it off with photos to your specialist before you have your appointment. This alows more time at your consultation. Regards from down under
02/16/2008 16:54
02/16/2008 16:54
Re: New to DC
Thank you for your time Newman.. I am in the process of either faxing or Emailing the litriture I have on NA and Raditheraphy.. Botton line will be whats best in my case regarding recovery and the over all benifits of the process I end up going with.. I feel more empowered as I read these posts.. So thank you both for your time 
02/19/2008 00:15
gavinpnot registered
02/19/2008 00:15
gavinpnot registered
Re: New to DC
Quote from Newman: Australia Calling. Radiotherapy is best in the early stage although I 've recently had the treatment as I had a number of nodules (lumps ) started growing. All the lumps in my right hand have gone and the one remaining on my index left finger had reduced 75% in size and I am hopeful it will continue to reduce.
Newman - Hi . I am also from Australia with early stage DC. Did you get your Radiotherapy in Australia or o/s and if in Australia, can you please advise the institute that provided the treament.
Regards Gavinp
02/19/2008 07:02
02/19/2008 07:02

Re: New to DC
Quote from Newman: Australia Calling. Radiotherapy is best in the early stage although I 've recently had the treatment as I had a number of nodules (lumps ) started growing. All the lumps in my right hand have gone and the one remaining on my index left finger had reduced 75% in size and I am hopeful it will continue to reduce.
Newman - Hi . I am also from Australia with early stage DC. Did you get your Radiotherapy in Australia or o/s and if in Australia, can you please advise the institute that provided the treament.
Regards Gavinp
see this
02/21/2008 20:11
02/21/2008 20:11
Re: New to DC
Well I went to my GP to cancel my first consultation.. I want to start with Dr Binhammer.. she asked if she could keep the literature I brought along about NA.. Hopefully her next patient with DC will get a better education of the options now available in Canada than I did.. small steps .. anyway Now I feel relieved and await my appointment ..
02/22/2008 03:22
02/22/2008 03:22

Re: New to DC
Quote from Newman: Australia Calling. Radiotherapy is best in the early stage although I 've recently had the treatment as I had a number of nodules (lumps ) started growing. All the lumps in my right hand have gone and the one remaining on my index left finger had reduced 75% in size and I am hopeful it will continue to reduce.
Newman - Hi . I am also from Australia with early stage DC. Did you get your Radiotherapy in Australia or o/s and if in Australia, can you please advise the institute that provided the treament.
Regards Gavinp
Adeliade Calling-Australia. I was treated in Essen Germany. However since my return I have spoken with Dr.Martin BORG at Adelaide Radiotherapy.He has used the treatment used by Prof Seegenschmiedt Germany, and can offer the treatment here. I am hoping he will list on the Dup/Soc. web.He is waiting on the Medicare Item Nos. for treatment of MD & ML. How about becoming a Registered Member on the forum and you can have direct contact with a member. Regards.
Edited at 22.02.08 05:27
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