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New to DD
09/14/2012 08:26
09/14/2012 08:26
New to DD

Hello, I am fairly new to this and I'm looking for some direction. A few weeks ago I was at a third podiatrist for LD. He was the first one to look at my hands. He noticed The first signs of DD and told me to keep an eye on it. From everything I have read radiation might be the way to go. O do have what I believe to be cords developing and can feel 2 tiny nodules. At the moment there is no contracture. Do I seek help now or wait to see if things get worse?

Both the LD and DD have been discovered in the last year. It all started with one very painful lump in my left foot, by January the first pod I saw could feel cords in the right foot also. Now there are multiple lumps in both feet and cords developing in the left hand.

Any advise or info would be appreciated.

09/14/2012 14:28
09/14/2012 14:28
Re: New to DD

It was nearly a year ago that I first noticed signs of Dupuytren's. Because it was advancing so rapidly, I decided to go with radiation therapy to hopefully arrest it. I completed my second series of radiation treatments this week. I'm thankful that I don't have any contraction to deal with, which I'm sure I would have had, had I waited longer. However, if the disease had been only slowly advancing, I would have waited and gone with another treatment when it became necessary - probably with NA.

Every case is different. Just keep researching until you find the course of treatment that you are most comfortable with.

Best wishes,

comfortable   discovered   developing   hopefully   Dupuytren   contracture   different   appreciated   radiation   contraction   completed   everything   treatment   researching   podiatrist   treatments   necessary   direction   advancing   thankful