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Newbie - going to Paris for NA soon - advice needed...
04/20/2010 09:47
04/20/2010 09:47
Newbie - going to Paris for NA soon - advice needed...

Hi everybody, I am new to this forum. I'm a 42-year old man from NZ. I was diagnosed with dupuytrens quite young, about 30 years old. I had open surgery in 1999 with no success. I have been thinking about NA for a long time, and have finally decided to go ahead if possible. I am going to Paris for a holiday in May, and would like to have the procedure done then. I have the list of doctors doing it, and have just emailed Dr Badois. Does anyone know what sort of waiting list there is? Since my French is fairly poor, I hope he speaks English...If anyone knows of another doctor in Paris to recommend, I'd appreciate it....

04/21/2010 14:35

not registered

04/21/2010 14:35

not registered

Re: Newbie - going to Paris for NA soon - advice needed...

he speaks good english but you need to send some photos first.

04/21/2010 23:15
04/21/2010 23:15
Re: Newbie - going to Paris for NA soon - advice needed...

OK thanks, I emailed him a couple of days ago but haven't heard back yet. I'll send him some photos and see what happens. Cheers

04/26/2010 13:59
04/26/2010 13:59
Re: Newbie - going to Paris for NA soon - advice needed...

Hello gwych

Before I had NA done for the first time, I contacted Dr Lermusiaux in Paris.
I send him photos and got an answer within a couple of weeks.
He referred me to Dr Fourches in Chambery, closer to my hometown.
It is a great approach to help free up your fingers.
I had it redone three years later (last autumn) by the same doctor.
Your hand stay bandaged only for a few days. No pain involved.
I greatly recommend it, but it is not applicable to all cases.

Goog luck to you and have a nice trip!

04/26/2010 15:48
04/26/2010 15:48
Re: Newbie - going to Paris for NA soon - advice needed...


I went to Dr Badois eighteen months ago and he is utterly charming and speaks perfect English

To find his office from Paris when i went I found this link to a useful website with directions
http://www.davesdomain.ca/dupcon/dupcon1.html. Its made by another patient of Dr Badois from a few years ago and gives a very useful overview of Paris and how to get to his office

I found the bus and train numbers which Dave wrote on that website have not changed at all and so was very useful .

The bus numbers are all the same and is easy from Paris taking maybe half an hour or so from Guard de Nor (which is the main Paris station) to get to Dr Bdois office following Daves bus and train details.

I just got on a train at Guarde de Nor which goes to a Paris suburn and right outside there is a road which had some bus stops just as described by Dave and as the bus numbers are the same i walked to the stop with the correct number on and five minutes later a bus came . It was easy and I found French people very friendly and helpful on directions anyway

I asked bus driver to tell me when i got there. Its not far and i coudl have walked but faster by bus

The cost was 200 euros for the treatment and does not take long. You can carry on sight seeng in Paris afterwards there is no pain so wont spoil your trip to paris

The procedfure when i went was you have to send Dr Badois an email with picture and he advises you of an appointement date if its possible . He is very experienced indeed and has worked with Dr Lermusiaux very closely. Dr Badois email is dr.f.badois@orange.fr

Hope that helps

04/28/2010 10:49
04/28/2010 10:49
Re: Newbie - going to Paris for NA soon - advice needed...

Hi guys, thanks for the advice. Dr Badois has been in touch, and we have made an appointment. He says that since I've already got scar tissue from open surgery 11 years ago, I'll only be able to get about 50% improvement. But bending finger back to even 45 degrees will be a big improvement on what I have now. Can't remember the last time was able to shake someone's hand without giving them the "dupuytrens tickle" with my little finger! I've often wondered what people must think when my little finger jabs into their hand along with the handshake...

afterwards   treatment   dupuytrens   handshake   procedfure   appointement   improvement   diagnosed   appointment   recommend   contacted   directions   everybody   possible   davesdomain   Lermusiaux   experienced   appreciate   following   applicable