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Newbie with question..When???
09/12/2008 13:07
09/12/2008 13:07

Newbie with question..When???

Hi all!

Glad I found this forum. I have just found out I have Doops. It started about a year or so ago and I passed it off as just getting older (51 male).

I have it on both hands... right pinky is starting to curl and I cannot lay hand flat. No real pain but does bother me while working and bowling. Other bumps under skin on ring finger that are getting bigger. Left hand cord is starting to go to middle finger..no curving of fingers yet but I feel fingers getting tigher.

My question is.. When is the best time to have Needle Aponeurotomy done? Should I wait until it gets worse or should you catch it early. I found out today that my Dad has had it for serveral years. He is in his 80's.

Thanks for any help you can give me.


09/15/2008 11:15
09/15/2008 11:15

Re: Newbie with question..When???

Can anyone help?

09/15/2008 12:05

not registered

09/15/2008 12:05

not registered

Re: Newbie with question..When???

There is no benefit in doing NA very early. NA requires clearly defined cords that can be broken. I would say that you should have at least 30 - 45 deg extension deficit before having NA. If you just have nodules and only aching, you might consider radiotherapy. Radiotherapy can slow down disease progression, especially when applied in early stage. Unfortunately radiotherapy is not available everywhere and sometimes expensive.


09/15/2008 19:34
09/15/2008 19:34

Re: Newbie with question..When???

"right pinkie is starting to curl and I cannot lay hand flat"

Wolfgang is right. You must have a cord ruining into a finger that can be snapped. However, if you can't lay you hand flat as you say, then you are at the entry level stage where NA may soon be possible. Look at Eaton's motion drawing:


If you feel your hand is operating like the "NA drawing", take pictures of your hand and send to the NA doc of your choice. I have seen and interviewed Eaton, Denkler, and Kilne. They are all great.

Let us know how you do.

interviewed   operating   starting   getting   Wolfgang   Aponeurotomy   handcenter   pictures   expensive   newfile39   progression   available   toadgames   radiotherapy   sometimes   especially   question   everywhere   Unfortunately   extension