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Newly Diagnosed Guitarist.
01/21/2009 13:00
01/21/2009 13:00
Newly Diagnosed Guitarist.

This forum is fantastic, thank you so much.

My boyfriend was diagnosed with DC yesterday. He developed a firm lump in his palm which developed about 2 months ago following a broken wrist about 7 months ago.

The lump is on the tendon on his ring finger but is quite low down in his palm, towards the centre.

Will this definitely cause a contracture? He is a keen musician, and to lose this would break his heart.

Thank you in advance.


01/22/2009 23:58
01/22/2009 23:58
Re: Newly Diagnosed Guitarist.

If there is no contracture to speak of I would do nothing for now. It may or may not contract and no one will be able to predict when and if it will contract. He can stretch his hand and soak in warm water, massaging helps as well.. Surgery should always be the last resort

J Ann

01/23/2009 05:49
01/23/2009 05:49
Re: Newly Diagnosed Guitarist.

I'm a guitartist and made my living at it here, in the studios in Los Angeles, for many years. I first noticed my Dupuytrens in 2000. I have had NA twice with Dr Denkler once in 2006 and again in 2008. I *never* have had a contracture but just before my 2006 visit it was starting to impact my playing. NA fixed that but needed it again in 2008. It wasn't impacting my playing in 2008 but getting in the way of some Yoga poses. Both times on my left hand, pinky finger down into my palm. I do have other lumps in both hands but they don't really bother me. I do think that by playing guitar it may help in not having a contracture (particuarly the left hand) as we are always exercising our fingers by playing. Good luck, it's not the end of the world and I'm still playing.


01/24/2009 07:51
01/24/2009 07:51

Re: Newly Diagnosed Guitarist.

Hi MOUSKI, Australia Calling. You didnt say the age of your boy friend .I mention that radiotherapy is an option and it the one thing that will attack the disease in the early stage before there is any contraction. You ask about contraction ? DC is like a pandora's box . What happens to one may not happen to another.
Having said that I had to see an oral surgeon about my teeth as I developed a problem with the long flights back and forth to Germany and low and behold he had Dupuytrens in both hands. He had strong cords running transvere across his palm( index to little fingers) He had no contractions at all and his fingers were very nimble. He told me he had been like that for many years. I would suggest keeping records of any nodules on your hands for future reference. Simply mark the nodules or cord with a maker pen and use the photostat machine .Place a towel over the back of your hand and place your palm flat on the screen . Thats what the experts do for their records. Make a note of the date on the copy.

Edited 01/24/09 09:59

01/24/2009 14:41
01/24/2009 14:41
Re: Newly Diagnosed Guitarist.

Thank you all for your responses, they are very reassuring.

My boyfriend is 30, so relatively young to have DC. Perhaps it was brought on by his wrist injury?

I will take your advice and keep a close eye on it.

Thanks again

photostat   definitely   reference   relatively   contracture   radiotherapy   guitartist   boyfriend   contraction   Dupuytrens   Guitarist   contractions   impacting   Diagnosed   exercising   playing   developed   responses   reassuring   particuarly