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NHS Radiation Therapy in UK?
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03/10/2012 18:48
03/10/2012 18:48
NHS Radiation Therapy in UK?

Does anyone know if the clinics in the UK currently offer RT on the NHS?

03/10/2012 21:25


03/10/2012 21:25


Re: NHS Radiation Therapy in UK?

Since there is now NICE guidance for Radiotherapy on the NHS you can approach your PCT or local Hospital Trust or Regional Health Authority and ask to be treated. However the equipment is often already quite heavily used for other conditions (cancer), many radiotherapists are not trained about Dupuytrens or the protocol to use, and as we all know funds are limited. You can still ask though with the support of your GP.

Some places in the UK have quite recently done RT on the NHS. Send me a message with the area of the UK you are in and I'll let you know if your area was one of them.

04/21/2012 09:23
04/21/2012 09:23
Re: NHS Radiation Therapy in UK?

So, I rang the radiolagist's receptionist, she says NHS should cover it so I won't have to go down the insurance route. Went to my GP who insists on referring me to hand surgeon even though I explained I had RT on my left hand and that is very much improved so now want it on my right hand (which is used much more) . What a waste of time, I know he will tell me to come back when I can't straighten my hand. I will go and see him but if he won't refer me for RT then I will try every GP in the practice.

Edited 04/21/12 12:24

04/21/2012 15:29
04/21/2012 15:29
Re: NHS Radiation Therapy in UK?

Good plan, Mary! We have to keep educating doctors. When we do it helps others.

04/26/2012 21:30
04/26/2012 21:30

Re: NHS Radiation Therapy in UK?

So, I rang the radiolagist's receptionist, she says NHS should cover it so I won't have to go down the insurance route. Went to my GP who insists on referring me to hand surgeon even though I explained I had RT on my left hand and that is very much improved so now want it on my right hand (which is used much more) . What a waste of time, I know he will tell me to come back when I can't straighten my hand. I will go and see him but if he won't refer me for RT then I will try every GP in the practice.

I'd take some print offs back to the GP and repeat the request. Tell him that you don't want surgery. You know what the hand surgeon will say so what's the point of going? If you can't get what you want then try a different doctor. Perhaps best to try to find someone who does RT and ask to be referred there. GPs are usually helpful if you do the work when possible.

Cambidgeshire, UK.

05/19/2012 18:15
05/19/2012 18:15

Re: NHS Radiation Therapy in UK?

Just found this interesting site http://www.dupuytrens-radiotherapy.co.uk/index.php

Cambidgeshire, UK.

05/20/2012 17:52
05/20/2012 17:52
Re: NHS Radiation Therapy in UK?

I thought NICE had approved RT as experimental/investigational only. Has that changed? If so, that is great news.


05/21/2012 06:26
05/21/2012 06:26

Re: NHS Radiation Therapy in UK?

I thought NICE had approved RT as experimental/investigational only. Has that changed? If so, that is great news.


Don't quite understand the question. NICE have approved RT as a first line of defence although I suspect that it will not be well known by the vast majority of GPs who will follow the traditional wait and see path. I'd also imagine that finding anyone in the NHS to carry out this treatment would be difficult (unless you pay). Quite naturally, patients with life threatening conditions must be the priority of radiotherapy departments http://guidance.nice.org.uk/IPG368

Cambidgeshire, UK.

05/23/2012 15:17
05/23/2012 15:17
Re: NHS Radiation Therapy in UK?

hi, I looked up Dr Shaffer too and I emailed the practise. A very nice reply came back as I had enquired if private health companies covered this RT treatment. She said that if they don't and Dr Shaffer thinks it would help, then he will appeal to the health company. Plus he will do a free consultation

he has surgeries in Elstree (not far from me) plus Surrey and I think maybe in London

If i do get a proper diagnosis with DD, then that is my first route. I have no idea how my GP will be if I try the NHS route and not sure either re my health company - AXA, but we shall see

it would be interesting if anyone else has seen Dr Shaffer - not sure if I have spelled that right

05/23/2012 16:10
05/23/2012 16:10

Re: NHS Radiation Therapy in UK?

check out Gary1987's blog:


He has LD and is with Dr. Schaffer as we speak.


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Cambidgeshire   receptionist   Radiation   Therapy   bureaucracy   traditional   consultation   Radiotherapy   referral   experimental   interesting   radiotherapists   consultant   information   straighten   radiolagist   departments   dupuytrens-radiotherapy   investigational   threatening