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Nodule on little finger
02/20/2009 16:24
02/20/2009 16:24
Nodule on little finger

I have read and read about this disease, and I guess I am just too confused to understand the progression. I have identical nodules in the exact same places on each palm, have been very painful. Could anyone tell me is it normal to have nodules exactly in the same places on the palm and painful? Also now there is a lump on my little finger at the second joint. Do the cords form from nodules and then go up or down? In other words is the lump on the little finger a cord or a nodule? I know you guys arent a diagnostic clinic and since I am too dumb to send pics I am asking a lot. I just am trying to figure out what to expect. Do you have to have a nodule before a cord or do the cords form by themselves in other places like the finger? I have no contracture yet but the fingers in my right hand which has slightly larger nodules in the palm feel tight when I flex them back. I also seem to have a "reverse" trigger finger in this hand, insomuch as the middle finger catches when I try to close it. From what I have read trigger finger is the opposite, you cant open the finger once you close it. Anyway, any help or experiences are appreciated. Thanks a lot


02/20/2009 17:18


02/20/2009 17:18


Re: Nodule on little finger

Hi Paula, have a look at the web site, e.g. click on the left menu on "Dupuytren's disease" and then on "Dupuytren's contracture". That page describes the development of Dupuytren's. Typically it starts with a nodule from which eventually cords emerge or which turns into cords.

I myself have a nodule on the middle joint of my pinkie. It tends to bend my finger somewhat but I am fighting back with a night splint (and some radiation).


02/20/2009 19:20

not registered

02/20/2009 19:20

not registered

Re: Nodule on little finger

Hi Paula

While I cannot give a personal experience of the 2 near identical nodules you have I have just had surgery 3 weeks ago for what sounds very similar to what you have on your little finger.

I never had any nodules on my palms at all just a big nodule on the 3rd joint (DIP Joint) closest to the tip. I also had no visible cords but that does not mean they are not there. There where simply cords under my skin that where not visible. Infact mine stayed invisible all the way up to surgery when my little finger was very much contracted (about 45 - 50 Degrees).

If your getting tightness when extending your fingers its possible you have a similar situation where cords are linking your 2 nodules but you cannot see them.

My surgeon told me this was unusual but obviously it does happen.

Though since you currently have no contracture they may become visible later so you can see the progression.

02/20/2009 20:14
02/20/2009 20:14
Re: Nodule on little finger

Thanks a lot Mike and Wach I appreciate it. Mike, did you have the NA or the full surgery?

02/21/2009 03:32

not registered

02/21/2009 03:32

not registered

Re: Nodule on little finger

I had the full surgery which has cleared up the issue entirely for now so I can straighten my finger entirely.

The wound is still healing up a bit but seems mostly complete at the moment with the main focus now being on physiotherapy to relieve a bit of stiffness which is becoming less of a worry by the day.

Though it should be noted a fair part of my decision to go for full surgery was from my research it generally offers a longer term fix on average and was a bit safer for me than most who have the condition as I have got it relatively young (im 23)

nodules   contracture   diagnostic   development   obviously   experience   Dupuytren   progression   straighten   appreciate   eventually   understand   themselves   experiences   physiotherapy   appreciated   contracted   surgery   identical   relatively