nodules in fingers |
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05/04/2008 15:34
05/04/2008 15:34
nodules in fingers
Hi, I am just a new forum user, but have apparently had a form of dupuytrens for years. I have the nodules on the main joints on the back of every finger, as well as a few knuckle pads. As of yet, I have nothing on my hands. My doctor has said that an injection of steroids will get rid of these nodules. Has anyone tried this? Jan
05/05/2008 20:20
05/05/2008 20:20
Re: nodules in fingers
Hi, I also have a knuckle pad but my hand specialist said he didn't recommend injections. He said I could either leave it alone or have it removed under local anesthetic. Please let me know if you find out anything new. I can't believe there are so few options.
05/10/2008 03:19
Pamellanot registered
05/10/2008 03:19
Pamellanot registered
Re: nodules in fingers
Hi I'm newer and trying DMSO on my DC. I have nodules and some cording in my left hand. I think the bump on my little finger, the middle joint on the top nail side is actually going down a little, but the pain if you press on it remains. Don't notice a thing in the DC hand. I'll keep trying and reporting. My naturopath said to try it. I don't endorse it- this is just what I'm trying. I take Phenobarbital, I was treated (ouch) for frozen shoulder, and have DC. Pattern here?? Wish you all well, Pam
05/10/2008 22:57
J Annnot registered
05/10/2008 22:57
J Annnot registered
Re: nodules in fingers
I also have DC on my finger joints ( but no pads) I will tell you it is the hardest to treat!! NA is not an option, Injections not an option because they can damamge the joints if the DC is in them or spiraled around your tendons in your fingers as mine is. Surgery did not do so well for me the DC came back before the surgical scar tissued healed. So be very careful and get a few opinions before you do anything . Also look into your diet as well. J Ann
05/11/2008 01:24
05/11/2008 01:24
Re: nodules in fingers
Hi, I also have a knuckle pad but my hand specialist said he didn't recommend injections. He said I could either leave it alone or have it removed under local anesthetic. Please let me know if you find out anything new. I can't believe there are so few options.
Don't have them removed. Mine grew back immediately!
05/11/2008 01:26
05/11/2008 01:26
Re: nodules in fingers
What types of food do your avoid? Is there anything that you include in your diet that seems to help? jan
05/11/2008 01:27
05/11/2008 01:27
Re: nodules in fingers
Hi I'm newer and trying DMSO on my DC. I have nodules and some cording in my left hand. I think the bump on my little finger, the middle joint on the top nail side is actually going down a little, but the pain if you press on it remains. Don't notice a thing in the DC hand. I'll keep trying and reporting. My naturopath said to try it. I don't endorse it- this is just what I'm trying. I take Phenobarbital, I was treated (ouch) for frozen shoulder, and have DC. Pattern here?? Wish you all well, Pam
Hi Pam, I don't know what DMSO is. Jan
05/11/2008 12:10
J Annnot registered
05/11/2008 12:10
J Annnot registered
Re: nodules in fingers
I stay away from dairy , processed food, and red meat.. I noticed about 10 years ago I was unable to process dairy without making my stomach a mess!! So I stopped eating it and also when my DC was at its worst I went total raw diet (vegan diet) for almost a year and a half and over that time my sotmach got better and my DC stopped progressing so rapidly. So for me anyway that seemed to help.. My stomach has started acting up again so I will be going "raw" this summer to see if I can get back on track again... Best of luck.. J Ann
05/11/2008 13:36
wach  Administrator
05/11/2008 13:36
wach  Administrator
J Ann: several diets have been reported to have a positivee effect on Dupuytren's, including vegan diet. The reports are only anedotal, no sound statistics, but might still be interesting:
05/13/2008 02:56
Pamellanot registered
05/13/2008 02:56
Pamellanot registered
Re: nodules in fingers
Hi Jan The DMSO is something my naturopath recommended that I try. It's a jar of cream and I've found out pretty controversial. You can google it. I'm very careful when putting it on. I didn't realize at first because it looked like hand lotion so I rubbed it all over my hands. I won't do that again. I also learned that you can search for the subject on this site. Hope you are well, Pam
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