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not much responce here I guess I will move on
10/27/2010 04:23
10/27/2010 04:23

not much responce here I guess I will move on

I have posted about a cream on two threads and did not get one post about it. This cream allows me to walk again withought pain and drive without pain.

All that seems to be pushed is RT. So I have heard all you have to offer but you do not want to listen to what I have to say so I am moving on. I may be back at another time maybe therre may be a differnt crowd around.

There is no welcoming of new members and this is a big oversight in my opinion. Well I wasn't welcomed.


10/27/2010 12:33
10/27/2010 12:33
Re: not much responce here I guess I will move on

I can't find your post about a cream. I searched using your name and cream and can't find anything except this post. I know that the only cream I found helpful was for my dry skin. Please refresh your information about "cream", maybe it got lost in the other threads. I have had questions not responded to when I have asked in someone else thread.


10/27/2010 14:52
10/27/2010 14:52
Re: not much responce here I guess I will move on

I think Loonsong is referring to two posts by her: "Re: Pain from Ledderhose and relief" in the Ledderhose forum and the other, "Re: Plantar fibroma" in the DD forum. They are dated 10/23 and 10/24.

I've been reading this site for about a year and find the range of discussion quite broad. In addition, the willingness by members and guests to share personal experiences and to respond in a kind, generous way is remarkable--and this in itself is a genuine type of welcoming. For example, the Xiaflex reports by people are fascinating to me and allow me to understand that process and its results. I am also grateful for the detailed reports on everything from NA to RT.

For many of us, this site is a place to open our minds to a variety of viewpoints and to learn about DD in all its complexity. It is also a respite from the isolation that can occur when we are faced with a disease that most people haven't heard of or understand.

10/27/2010 20:08
10/27/2010 20:08
Re: not much responce here I guess I will move on

Found your thread. I have never heard of that cream. I was prescribed Voltarin and have only used it sparingly. It has side effects that give me pause. I have used aspercream, radiogel, udderbalm, etc... The radiogel can be bought online and it numbs my palm and I use it when I have overused my hand and it starts aching. I use the aspercream when my osteoarthritis and DD start acting up, mostly in the winter months. I only have osteoarthritis in the finger that was affected by DD. Odd isn't it?


10/31/2010 04:08
10/31/2010 04:08
Re: not much responce here I guess I will move on

Every Dupuytren's hand is different, even the two hands on the same person are different.
Each person has to research and determine the best treatment for him/her. Even then, there is no guarantee.

My decisions for treatment and the results confirm, I believe, that I made the best choice for what is offered today. We all hope that there will be more treatments in the future and it is looking promising. This site and other actions are helping to bring attention to this disease. Maybe in the future, it will be easier to determine the best treatment. No matter what comes along, there will still be no choice but for each person to make his/her own decision.

fascinating   prescribed   remarkable--and   discussion   treatments   determine   viewpoints   responce   different   welcoming   Ledderhose   experiences   treatment   understand   complexity   everything   willingness   osteoarthritis   information   aspercream