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One Year total remission
05/31/2010 10:21
05/31/2010 10:21
One Year total remission

I was diagnosed with Dupuytren's a year ago. I was in pain and my hand was already close to unusable for grasping things. I don't know why I started using cod liver oil topically (I was using it to control occasional arthritis pain in my fingers) but I started massaging cod liver oil into my palm twice a day. (It couldn't hurt, righit?) It immediately helped with the pain. Over about 3 months, I recovered full use of my hand. I moved to using the oil once daily and then two to three times a week. Now I'm down to once or twice a month just because.... I hope this is helpful to lots of people and that someone will find out why it worked.

05/31/2010 15:00
05/31/2010 15:00
Re: One Year total remission


05/31/2010 15:09
05/31/2010 15:09
Re: One Year total remission

Did you actually have a measurable contracture, and if so, was it released?

05/31/2010 22:01
05/31/2010 22:01
Re: One Year total remission

Very interesting. I am starting a natural medicine treatment tomorrow combining acupuncture, reflexiology and the appliance of castor oil. I will mention your oil treatment as well to my therapist. This is my first attempt to improve my condition. Only my right pinky is affected but it is getting worse, not better and I can see the beginning stages on my middle finger.
Very strange disease. This forum is really helping me a lot. Thank you.

06/01/2010 03:10


06/01/2010 03:10


Re: One Year total remission

I tried myself natural ways of treatment for 9 months (creme, massaging, homeopathic medicine) and then gave up on it because it was completely useless. Of course there might always be someting else and this might be the one and great remedy but don't be disappointed if you don't see much improvement.


06/01/2010 14:08
06/01/2010 14:08
Re: One Year total remission

One pattern I've noted over the years: when someone makes an initial post on a forum with a claim of an apparent miracle cure, they never answer any questions, and usually never post again. Let's see if that's the case here - apologies in advance if not.

completely   immediately   occasional   Interesting   measurable   medicine   beginning   therapist   improvement   questions   contracture   apologies   massaging   disappointed   reflexiology   remission   homeopathic   condition   acupuncture   treatment