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only contracture
02/01/2009 12:56
02/01/2009 12:56
only contracture

My Dr diagnosed DC about a year ago coincedently when i visited for another reason. My hands never bothered me, i just noticed they were different. He explained procedures that can be done to fix them but i just blew after he gave me some handout/info about it because it never bothered me (pain before)
Lately and especially in the last 2 days when i have returned to work my hands, wrists and pinky fingers have been aching really bad, (even now typing). I will see my Dr again about it but after researching and reading there is not much mention of associated pain and lost of talk of nodules and other symptoms that i dont have.

Anyone else in the same position? Should i consider treatment now?

P.S I am a young female, no Alcohol addiction/abuse, non diabetic or epileptic so i am also thinking wrong diagnoses.

Do they take x ray or something to prove the disease or just by feeling my hands?

02/02/2009 00:55
02/02/2009 00:55
Re: only contracture

I too am recently diagnosed and I'm learning everything I can on this site. In my experience I was diagnosed visually by a hand doctor. The doctor did some strength measurements on my hands and he also took Xrays. His advice to me was "wait & see" and "go live your life". Well that's easy for him to say, but not so easy for me to do. I feel that I'm getting much more informed, useful information from the people who are going through this temselves. I am seeing another hand doctor this week now that I know a bit more about DD and I'm also scheduled to see a radiologist. I have no constricture so I'm hoping I'm a good candidate for RT. I've also read that it's a painless disease but NOT for me. My hands hurt quite often. Not sure if it's because this darn disease is spreading throughout my hands but I've had much pain over the last 2 weeks. It's been very cold in NY so maybe cold weather intensifies the pain (my guess). I've found excedrin helps my pain.

Keep searching here for answers. The people are wonderful.

02/02/2009 03:51
02/02/2009 03:51
Re: only contracture

Thanks. I have since noticed Tendon, (strings) prominent along my palm near my index finger on both hands.
I have been using voltaren emulgel.
but not so effective for pain relief.
I am not keen to take tablets, would rather more localised treatment but hopefully can get something done after my appointment.

Is your pain in your fingers, palms and wrist? mine is. It is worse on my right (dominant) hand.

02/02/2009 19:25
02/02/2009 19:25
Re: only contracture

My pain is in my wrist, palms and fingers. I will find out more after 2 appointments tomorrow.

appointment   procedures   intensifies   diagnosed   constricture   coincedently   candidate   especially   associated   experience   radiologist   something   information   appointments   everything   treatment   contracture   throughout   researching   measurements