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Magnesium Supplement
02/08/2018 17:47
02/08/2018 17:47
Magnesium Supplement

Hi everyone,

I have a couple of questions about taking Magnesium supplement.

1) Is it better to take a slow release Mag tablet? Some take multiple smaller dosage a day

2) Do you have any recommendations?

3) Have you seen any changes?

Thank you sincerely for your help.

02/08/2018 18:52


02/08/2018 18:52


Re: Magnesium Supplement

Did you see this? https://dupuytrens.org/magnesium-and-dupuytren-disease/

02/08/2018 20:09
02/08/2018 20:09
Re: Magnesium Supplement

Did you see this? https://dupuytrens.org/magnesium-and-dupuytren-disease/

Thank you for this link. I had read this which alerted me to look at increasing mag levels. I have topical magnesium in spray form. There's different types of magnesium out there, so thought to ask what fellow members were using? Benefits of slow vs regular. It is worth trying. Thanks again for the link.

04/18/2018 18:03
04/18/2018 18:03
Re: Magnesium Supplement

Hi Anyone had any experience of using Magnesium Spray, I read on the UK site someone using it massaging the nodules and it made them softer and smaller. Anyone had any results with this? Also what about this CBD oil which seems to be good for pain, again not sure if you are supposed to take it or massage it into nodules.

02/09/2019 06:08
02/09/2019 06:08
Re: Magnesium Supplement

Thanks for that link buddy.

02/11/2019 21:25
02/11/2019 21:25
Re: Magnesium Supplement Experience

Here's my magnesium story. Around Jan. 21, 2019, I contacted my doctor because my right hand index finger was painful when typing. I had Xiaflex injections in both hands a year ago. It helped a lot, although the right index finger remained bent. It's not bad. I'm at Grade 1. I have nodules in both hands in many locations, and my left hand pinkie is bent.

After we corresponded I researched for other options and came across the Dr. Nagel article with some anecdotal information about magnesium benefits. She shared her story on Huffington Post as well. I found a few other accounts of how it helped. I figured it couldn't hurt trying.

I started with hot water hand soaks using epsom salt, 1/4 cup. After a few days I started noticing some improvement. It felt like my fingers were less swollen. Encouraged, I went to the Vitamin Shoppe and purchased Life-flo magnesium oil spray.

I then started taking magnesium citrate, 200 mg tablets, two a day. I chew them with food because they're the size of a horse pill. No taste. I've been taking it for about 10 days. No side effects.

I continued the hand soaks with just hot water, occasionally with epsom salt.

I think I've stabilized, although this could be a slow process. I'm not sharing photos because the visual improvement isn't much, except the little pinkie is much thinner. It was pretty swollen. My condition is not as severe as Dr. Nagel's.

If a magnesium supplement can eliminate or lengthen the need for another Xiaflex injection, I think it's worth the expense of taking a pill. You can take up to 400 mg of Mg a day. I let my doctor know I am taking it. I'll probably drop down to 200 mg a day. I think a lot of this depends on how much Mg you have in your system and how well your body processes it. I was always dogged with leg cramping on long bike rides, so maybe I had a low Mg value. You can take a blood test, if you're interested in knowing your level.

Maybe the improvement came from the hot water soaks more than anything. Give it a try. My right index finger no longer hurts.

Edited 02/19/19 01:11

08/31/2020 22:39
08/31/2020 22:39
Re: Magnesium Supplement

I must say, soaking my hands with epsoms salts and water really makes them feel better. Don't know exact benefit though.

09/01/2020 00:00
09/01/2020 00:00
Re: Magnesium Supplement

Here's my magnesium story. Around Jan. 21, 2019, I contacted my doctor because my right hand index finger was painful when typing. I had Xiaflex injections in both hands a year ago. It helped a lot, although the right index finger remained bent. It's not bad. I'm at Grade 1. I have nodules in both hands in many locations, and my left hand pinkie is bent.

After we corresponded I researched for other options and came across the Dr. Nagel article with some anecdotal information about magnesium benefits. She shared her story on Huffington Post as well. I found a few other accounts of how it helped. I figured it couldn't hurt trying.

I started with hot water hand soaks using epsom salt, 1/4 cup. After a few days I started noticing some improvement. It felt like my fingers were less swollen. Encouraged, I went to the Vitamin Shoppe and purchased Life-flo magnesium oil spray.

I then started taking magnesium citrate, 200 mg tablets, two a day. I chew them with food because they're the size of a horse pill. No taste. I've been taking it for about 10 days. No side effects.

I continued the hand soaks with just hot water, occasionally with epsom salt.

I think I've stabilized, although this could be a slow process. I'm not sharing photos because the visual improvement isn't much, except the little pinkie is much thinner. It was pretty swollen. My condition is not as severe as Dr. Nagel's.

If a magnesium supplement can eliminate or lengthen the need for another Xiaflex injection, I think it's worth the expense of taking a pill. You can take up to 400 mg of Mg a day. I let my doctor know I am taking it. I'll probably drop down to 200 mg a day. I think a lot of this depends on how much Mg you have in your system and how well your body processes it. I was always dogged with leg cramping on long bike rides, so maybe I had a low Mg value. You can take a blood test, if you're interested in knowing your level.

Maybe the improvement came from the hot water soaks more than anything. Give it a try. My right index finger no longer hurts.

Update August 31, 2020. I had another treatment with Xiaflex in late 2019. Magnesium showed no noticeable improvement. It was just wishful thinking.

01/16/2021 06:30
01/16/2021 06:30
Re: Magnesium Supplement

Hi Anyone had any experience of using Magnesium Spray, I read on the UK site someone using it massaging the nodules and it made them softer and smaller. Anyone had any results with this? Also what about this CBD oil which seems to be good for pain, again not sure if you are supposed to take it or massage it into nodules.

01/16/2021 06:41
01/16/2021 06:41
Re: Magnesium Supplement

I'm in the very early stages of Dupuytrens and have been using Magnesium oil for about 3 weeks now, and I do feel that the nodules on my palm are smaller and less painful, and also the "cord" travelling up my smallest finger has softened considerably. I massage a lot and also do stretching exercises, and have recently "unwrapped" my piano after many years, hoping that the stretching may help. There is a definite improvement in the last weeks, whether it's due to the magnesium, ( I have taken it orally for years) or a combination of all that I'm doing I don't know. I also wear a splint on my smallest finger overnight. Good luck.



Edited 01/16/21 09:53

corresponded   although   researched   Supplement   Encouraged   information   dupuytrens   considerably   started   because   nodules   interested   magnesium-and-dupuytren-disease   injections   Magnesium   experience   spanishbuddha   recommendations   occasionally   improvement