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Pain associated with DD
02/02/2014 04:51
02/02/2014 04:51
Pain associated with DD

I have only recently been diagnosed with DD, however the nodules were noticeable more than a year ago. So far, there is little contraction. Very recently, i began having pain - perhaps a 3 on a five scale. In the beginning, the pain was in the side of my and and extended past my wrist into my forearm. A short time later, the pain grew to a 4 level with use of my hand and I was unable to fully make a fist. The high level of pain lasted for about a month. Then it began to lessen. Now, I can make a fist and have only pain level 1-2. Again, the pain is mostly the side of my hand. In reviewing the forum, I found no mention of pain resembling mine. I wonder if it is possible that mine is not DD? Also, if it is DD and if RT is use, does one wait until there is contraction? I am in Nebraska, USA and it seems that RT isn't really recognized as a possible treatment.

02/02/2014 05:07
02/02/2014 05:07
Re: Pain associated with DD

Hello, if you were diagnosed with DD by a qualified doctor, which I assume you were, then you probably have it. My orthopedic hand surgeon took one very quick look at my hand with a single nodule on it at the time and immediately told me I had DD.

Symptoms, especially pain can vary with each person. I had a lot of nerve type pain with tingling. Also at times experienced sharp shooting pain in my hand up my forearm.

One thing though you should understand is do not wait for contraction stage before doing RT. I would suggest sending photos of your hands to Prof. S in Germany for feedback regarding RT. Along with some information about your DD experience so far. Or seek out the opinion of someone listed on this site who does RT.

Lots of great information on this site to help you learn more about DD.


02/11/2014 02:34
02/11/2014 02:34
Re: Pain associated with DD

Hi Clifh2

You are correct RT is not a mainstream form of treatment in the USA. Even still, there are oncologist in the USA that does treat this and has had great success.

I had a lot of pain with the DD. I have it in both hands. First signs appeared late August 2013. I had the puckering & the pit appearance. Along with One tiny looking calus, which was actually a nodule forming. I went to a hand specialist for confirmation and then headed to Florida for RT. before RT my hands hurt. I had the burning, crawling experience. A few times it was so painful I slept holding an ice pak as that seem to sooth the hands. The 1st few weeks after RT the pain was a little more intense. It did eventually calm down. I completed round 2 the week before Christmas. My hands are extremely dry. The pits are still there there.

I agree with Nan. Send Prof S. pictures. Learn as much as you can. This forum is an excellent place to find doctors/onoclogist in you area that others have gone to.

wishing you great success in finding the doctor and correct treatment that works best for you.


experience   orthopedic   onoclogist   eventually   information   oncologist   diagnosed   recognized   confirmation   especially   understand   noticeable   specialist   immediately   contraction   associated   treatment   experienced   mainstream   appearance