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pain in fingers and palms
12/28/2016 07:51
12/28/2016 07:51
pain in fingers and palms

Thanks for letting me join your group.

I've been diagnosed by a hand surgeon with having dupuytren's. I have nodules and cords on both hands but no contractures of fingers (as yet). The problem I really suffer from is pain (in both hands and feet). The GP has done blood tests and rheumo issues have not shown up.

I find that when I wake up, as soon as I move my hands the length underneath a few of my fingers and palms hurt. The palms and certain fingers (where the nodules are located) are painful all day (as I move them). They also burn when my hands are still. I also notice the same with my feet now (but can not feel any nodules). Getting fed up with the pain (as it has gone on for several years now with no let up but I notice I'm getting more nodules and they are getting bigger http://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_English/styles/dupuytren-online.info/smilies/down.gif)

One orthopaedic consultant did an MRI to look at my tendons as he had no idea what the matter was. I saw another orthopaedic hand specialist for the results and the dupuytrens was not mentioned in the MRI report (which I find odd). When I mentioned the nodules in my hands, he took one look and diagnosed dupuytrens but stated pain did not occur with that condition and discharged me stating they could not offer any help (plus no advice over the condition was given).

Do others suffer from this problem? If so, what have they done to help?

Any suggestions would be gratefully received.

12/28/2016 08:08


12/28/2016 08:08


Re: pain in fingers and palms

Hi lp01

This condition affects everyone differently. Some get no pain, or just aches, or tingling or pins and needles, or as your report. My own nodules were sore when growing then became painless after a while. Nodules can interfere with nerves and cause pain when moving fingers, or with LD when standing or walking.

Have you had blood work to look for other symptomatic conditions? Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc. Do you use your hands for a living, sport, craft, kitchen, DIY. Could be you just have side effects from those activities if so?

Icing and heat are reported to help some people, along with pain patches such as Salon Pas or topical anti inflammatory or numbing creams before resorting to oral meds. Many folks use compression gloves in the day or night and say they help. Maybe ask your GP for a referral to a pain practice?

Edited 12/28/16 10:10

12/28/2016 09:28
12/28/2016 09:28
Re: pain in fingers and palms

Thanks for replying so quickly.

Yes I do have fibromyalgia but I find it hard to accept this, as if I mention it to e.g. a hand specialist, they simply 'raise their eyebrows' and say lets try and find what is really wrong with you!! This has happened on many occasions. I have no idea whether 'fibromyalgia' relates to painful hands/feet.

You are correct with compression gloves, I bought some several weeks ago. Even though they actually hurt my hands more whilst wearing them, when the gloves come off, it is bliss for a very short while (before the pain comes back).

I think I'll try the hand gel pain relief, as I don't want to live on pain killers (due to other chronic medical problems).

When you mentioned pain in your nodules, did the pain extend along the fingers (underneath) when you actually moved them? Also, you mentioned the pain for a while - did this last years or was it months? (my pain has lasted years and has never stopped).

I do use my hands but not for hard repetitive work. My dad did end up with bent fingers in his right hand but, when he was alive, never complained about pain.

Edited 12/28/16 11:29

12/28/2016 10:36
12/28/2016 10:36
Re: pain in fingers and palms

Actually, I wonder if any nerve problems can be seen on the MRI I had. At the time they were looking for infection/problems with my tendons. It might be worth going back to my GP and seeing if they would look (only if nerves can be seen).

12/28/2016 16:21


12/28/2016 16:21


Re: pain in fingers and palms

I don't know how useful a CT or MRI scan is in determining extent of nodules and cords and their interaction with nerves. People on here talk of an ultrasound scan being useful in determining depth of nodules and attachment to skin.

I really did not have pain in my hands, just sore nodules which were tender to touch. I did, still do, get the occasional ache a bit like cramping or tingling. It's hard to diagnose your case via a description, and anyway IANAD, but maybe you have something else going on there, with the DD. If you can't get a decent discussion with your doc maybe try an experienced hand therapist?

12/29/2016 19:44
12/29/2016 19:44
Re: pain in fingers and palms

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I'll probably look for a good hand specialist and go private for a single consultation.

suggestions   Fibromyalgia   underneath   specialist   nodules   condition   inflammatory   mentioned   compression   dupuytren-online   consultation   interaction   fingers   determining   description   differently   dupuytrens   symptomatic   orthopaedic   contractures