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Proactive noninvasive treatments
09/11/2021 13:59
09/11/2021 13:59
Proactive noninvasive treatments

I've been newly diagnosed. Specialist said "you can lay your hand down flat which is good; if it changes, come see me. That seems strange for someone like me who is proactive about taking care of my health.

Has anyone heard of or tried a homeopathic Dupuytrens all natural cream [homeopathic] and the ZTG Dupuytren's Wand & Tape. I found them both online. Wondering if any have used them.

Thank you.

09/11/2021 15:45


09/11/2021 15:45


Re: Proactive noninvasive treatments

I have tried a homeopathic cream but, unfortunately, it was completely useless. A waste of time any money. It seems that homeopathic treatments are helpful for some diseases but not for Dupuytren's https://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytren_anecdotal.html .

I can talk to the taping.


09/11/2021 19:30


09/11/2021 19:30


Re: Proactive noninvasive treatments

I've been newly diagnosed. Specialist said "you can lay your hand down flat which is good; if it changes, come see me. That seems strange for someone like me who is proactive about taking care of my health.

Has anyone heard of or tried a homeopathic Dupuytrens all natural cream [homeopathic] and the ZTG Dupuytren's Wand & Tape. I found them both online. Wondering if any have used them.

Thank you.
If you browse the forum or Facebook you will find quite a few non-invasive treatments. Some have a medical or evidence base, such as RT, steroid shots, voltarol (for pain) ...; some less so such as splinting, gentle or a specific type of massage ...; and plenty of anecdotal stories including DMSO, same thing with SSKI, magnesium, vitamin E oil, verapamil, ultrasound, laser lights of various colours, ESWT, kinesio tape, the wand, and more... Just limit your hopes and budget when exploring the ones without a science or evidence base. Like Wolfgang I have explored some things and do have a personal protocol for when I suspect a flare, but it's based on hocus pocus and is probably a placebo effect.

09/12/2021 19:47
09/12/2021 19:47
Re: Proactive noninvasive treatments

Thank you very much. I'm a believer in trying things as we each respond differently. Being proactive just feels much better. Another question. I love jewelry and typically [prior to COVID] wear two rings on each hand. My right ring finger is now larger and my rings for that finger do not fit. When I asked the doctor about wearing rings she said that some people resize and others choose not to wear rings on the affected finger anymore. I was thinking of resizing one ring to see how it feels. Anyone have any experience? Thank you for your time and honesty. Best, NLR

09/13/2021 05:10


09/13/2021 05:10


Re: Proactive noninvasive treatments

Thank you very much. I'm a believer in trying things as we each respond differently. Being proactive just feels much better. Another question. I love jewelry and typically [prior to COVID] wear two rings on each hand. My right ring finger is now larger and my rings for that finger do not fit. When I asked the doctor about wearing rings she said that some people resize and others choose not to wear rings on the affected finger anymore. I was thinking of resizing one ring to see how it feels. Anyone have any experience? Thank you for your time and honesty. Best, NLR
I think this depends. I stopped wearing rings, but have garrods pads and found most rings to be irritating. Some people switch to silicon rings if the rings are a symbol of a relationship, and there are some quite nice ones these days.

Edit to add, since you appear to be in NJ you could seek out the care of Dr Pess. Although a surgeon he favours a minimal approach to treatment first, including wait and see or general care. If you do need treatment, other than RT, although he may well advise on that, he would be your go to doc.

Edited 09/13/21 14:34

non-invasive   typically   differently   noninvasive   Wondering   experience   ultrasound   [homeopathic]   homeopathic   irritating   diagnosed   dupuytren-online   unfortunately   Proactive   Dupuytren   relationship   Dupuytrens   treatments   Specialist   NLRAuthorVO