question 4 deeproot |
06/13/2010 15:32
suzukinot registered
06/13/2010 15:32
suzukinot registered
question 4 deeproot
this is a question for deeproot but would like to hear from anyone , does anyone else suffer from anxiety or a feeling of being on edge and body seems really buzzing ? also my whole body aches on dreary days and cold days can anybody else add to this ?? also can anyone tell me how long they have had dups and stages please ??
06/13/2010 20:51
06/13/2010 20:51
Re: question 4 deeproot
I do suffer from anxiety, but not the buzzing symptoms. Mostly my aches and pains are in joint areas, specifically shoulder, hip, elbow. I dont experience any worst symptoms due to weather. I have dc for 10 years now and in both hands.
06/13/2010 21:20
pingggggnot registered
06/13/2010 21:20
pingggggnot registered
Re: question 4 deeproot
Yes-I can relate to the buzzing sensation especially if I am feeling anxious and ill at ease. It does not help when people comment that I am hyper! I have ledderhose and dups. I find that meditation,massage and yoga help somewhat. At times, I have to remove myself from a situation in order to calm myself and breathe deeply. My physio said to spent the winter in Arizona. As If.