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Question about Duputren's treatment
01/20/2009 14:10

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01/20/2009 14:10

not registered

Question about Duputren's treatment

Thanks to all of you that contribute to this helpful forum in order to aid those afflicted with this strange disease. I am affected with Duputren's disease in both of my upper extremities but have no contractures in any fingers. I do however have prominent cords in the 4th and 5th MCP (palmer side) of my left upper extremity along with nodule and a prominent cord on my right upper extremity.

I am considering flying out to see the hand surgeon frequently mentioned on this sight in Jupiter florida but don't know if he could help me. My question, Is N.A. useful for removing the cords or do I have to go the steroid route???

Anybody had this problem??

Thanks for any and all suggestions.

warmly from St Thomas, US Virgin Islands

01/20/2009 16:28

not registered

01/20/2009 16:28

not registered

Re: Question about Duputren's treatment

NA only breaks cords but does not remove them. NA only works on already contracted fingers. To remove cords you would need surgery but I don't think this would make sense. Surgeons typically only operate when the contracture is 20 or more degrees.

Steroid injections might help for softening nodules. I don't knnow whether this would apply to your state of disease.

Maybe the best ideas is to go Florida, see Dr. Eaton and let him recommend what to do. He is knowledgable about all therapies and an excellent doctor and hand surgeon with many years of experience with Dupuytren's.


contractures   recommend   considering   experience   extremity   injections   prominent   softening   Duputren   extremities   treatment   Question   therapies   suggestions   typically   contracture   knowledgable   contracted   contribute   frequently