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question on aloe vera
05/12/2008 20:02
05/12/2008 20:02
question on aloe vera


I have a question...I have Dupuytren's and have been reading in the archives that aloe vera should be avoided. I'm assuming this means topical use of products with aloe vera?

I have been looking at the labels of my cosmetics...shampoos, cleansers, etc, and many of them contain aloe vera. Should I replace these?

Megan L

05/13/2008 02:50

not registered

05/13/2008 02:50

not registered

Re: question on aloe vera

Why should Aloe Vera be avoided?? Yikes, I have rubbed it on my DC.

05/13/2008 03:57
05/13/2008 03:57
Re: question on aloe vera

HI Pamela,

Some of the old archives I looked at said you should avoid products that contain collagen, and also aloe vera, because aloe vera stimulates the production of collagen...if I am understanding that correctly. I'll look into this a little more.


05/13/2008 04:08


05/13/2008 04:08


Re: question on aloe vera

I wouldn't worry about aloe vera, at least not for topical use. Maybe you shouldn't eat stuff that contains aloe vera but that's not a good idea anyway though some companies try to make money with it.


05/13/2008 04:30
05/13/2008 04:30
Re: question on aloe vera

Hello Wolfgang,

OK, then I won't get rid of all this stuff with aloe vera! I don't want to drive myself crazy.

I can't thank everyone enough for everything I have learned from the website and the forum. I am in the process of communicating with Dr. Kline in Boise for treatment. I have just one nodule in my right hand; we discussed steroid injection, followed by radiation therapy, which I would receive from Dr. Kuhn. The only problem is that I am waiting to get a reply back from Dr. Kline's office about getting this all started (they must be very busy). I hope they return my call and/or email soon as I want to get this done quickly.


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