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Repeating RT treatment
01/21/2017 11:31


01/21/2017 11:31


Repeating RT treatment

A topic that often comes up is whether it is possible to, or worth repeating Radiation Therapy treatment after signs of recurrence following a previous apparently successful treatment.

A subsequent RT treatment to an area outside the field previously irradiated is usually considered to be OK.

But there appear to be no clear guidelines or studies for retreatment in a previously irradiated field. ProfsS in Germany is reported to perform a half treatment of 5x3Gy in specific cases subject to personal circumstances.

Dr Richard Shaffer in the U.K. has written an interesting a useful guide on this for patients: http://www.thedupuytrenspractice.com/rep...erhose-disease/

Edited 01/21/17 13:32

recurrence   subsequent   guidelines   specific   circumstances   interesting   irradiated   apparently   retreatment   personal   erhose-disease   previously   successful   thedupuytrenspractice   reported   Radiation   following   considered   Repeating   treatment