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RT - how many hands and feet can or should be treated at same time?
03/27/2014 17:36
03/27/2014 17:36
RT - how many hands and feet can or should be treated at same time?

I called Dr. T's office at Scripps since they have 9 to 10 year's experience with RT for DD, which is a a lot in the U.S. I have early nodes on my left hand and both feet, and feel similar pains and burning in my right palm so that seems to be developing DD as well.

Dr. T's nurse said he will only treat on hand or foot at a time, then to come back in 2 months for the next one, and so on. He also one does the first round of RT, never the second round, but the amount can vary from 2 to 5gy x 5 days for the treatment depending on the size of the node or if there is a cluster of nodes.

I will be traveling from Alaska wherever I go for RT, so travel costs will be considerable even for two trips someplace, but I don't want to have more radiation at one time than is good either.

What have other people had done at one time? What have doctors advised on this topic?

04/01/2014 12:20
04/01/2014 12:20
Re: RT - how many hands and feet can or should be treated at same time?

Hello Mukasama,

I have had all four limbs radiated at the same time. I had my radiation done in the USA. the state of Florida.
I know another person who had all 4 limbs radiated at the same time by Prof. Seegenschmeidt in 2013.

The protocol for both of us was
3gyx5 days 12 week break and then 3gy x 5days

I was somewhat tired on Weds of the week of RT but other than that it was no big deal.

04/01/2014 13:19
04/01/2014 13:19
Re: RT - how many hands and feet can or should be treated at same time?

Hi, I had both hands and feet done at same time about 18 months ago. By Dr Schaffer in Guildford, UK.Found no problems at all. I fact went back tot work each day after treatment.

04/01/2014 19:43
04/01/2014 19:43
Re: RT - how many hands and feet can or should be treated at same time?

Thanks for your responses - they are encouraging. A few follow up questions:

1) How long has it been since you had the RT done?
2) Has it stopped the progression in hands, feet or both?
3) How did the doctor determine the area to be treated (CT scan, MRI, palpation only)?

Thanks for your replies!

someplace   problems   treatment   Seegenschmeidt   responses   radiation   developing   Schaffer   Guildford   progression   treated   traveling   considerable   radiated   encouraging   depending   determine   questions   experience   palpation