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Second radiotherapy completed wand and tape?
10/24/2020 10:10
10/24/2020 10:10
Second radiotherapy completed wand and tape?

I have recently completed my second radiotherapy treatment (the last was 2 years ago) A contracture of my little finger and some significant nodules developed in the last 4 months.

I am in the uk and trying to source a wand and tape. Can anyone suggest a supplier please?

many thanks

10/24/2020 11:47


10/24/2020 11:47


Re: Second radiotherapy completed wand and tape?

I am not sure whether there is a distributor for it in the UK but you could try ordering it in the USA. What do you expect from the wand? Recently there has been a lot of advertizing of using ultrasound for Dupuytren's, specifically the wand and tape, but there is not much evidence for its effectiveness. Might be a waste of money.


10/24/2020 14:37


10/24/2020 14:37


Re: Second radiotherapy completed wand and tape?

I am not sure whether there is a distributor for it in the UK but you could try ordering it in the USA. What do you expect from the wand? Recently there has been a lot of advertizing of using ultrasound for Dupuytren's, specifically the wand and tape, but there is not much evidence for its effectiveness. Might be a waste of money.

You don't say what sort of wand or tape. But just google physio supplies uk. As Wolfgang says I would be careful with your wallet on unproven treatments. I have an ultrasound device I use for injuries, it had no effect on my DD. I have not tried any of the various low level light devices.

10/24/2020 15:35
10/24/2020 15:35
Re: Second radiotherapy completed wand and tape?

Thank you both for your feedback

I am just wanting to try anything to halt or slow the inevitable ( the need for surgery!) I went through this last year on my left hand, it has now reduced the contracture and given me movement on this hand but it was six months of pain and physio.

As for my righthand I can see it progressing and it is painful where the nodules are stretching the skin, I was hoping the wand might give release and flexibility. If I massage it for a while it does appear to help in the short-term.

10/24/2020 19:05


10/24/2020 19:05


Re: Second radiotherapy completed wand and tape?

Thank you both for your feedback

I am just wanting to try anything to halt or slow the inevitable ( the need for surgery!) I went through this last year on my left hand, it has now reduced the contracture and given me movement on this hand but it was six months of pain and physio.

As for my righthand I can see it progressing and it is painful where the nodules are stretching the skin, I was hoping the wand might give release and flexibility. If I massage it for a while it does appear to help in the short-term.
I find gentle massage whilst soaking the hand in very hot water with epsom salts can help relieve occasional symptoms. I too have had RT and for me it was not a quick fix, but now years later the DD is mostly stable and dormant. After any overuse I will use ice as if it was an injury. YMMV.

10/24/2020 21:21
10/24/2020 21:21

Re: Second radiotherapy completed wand and tape?

Dear kevinp

I would be interested in what type of radiotherapy (orthovoltage or linear accelerator) you have received, which RT concept and dosage (single & total dose) was applied and what starting situation (stage of DD; extension deficit y/n) was given before the start of RT on each hand before starting RT. What kind and extent of function deficit did you have before a job change ? Please provide recent pictures -- then my advice would get more prudent and substantiated

Best regards, Prof. Dr. med. M. Heinrich Seegenschmiedt

10/28/2020 07:52
10/28/2020 07:52
Re: Second radiotherapy completed wand and tape?

Thank you for your reply.

I had five doses of 15.00Gy Modality e09 on my right hand (pic attached)

Hopefully the nodules are clear in the picture, the choice of RT was borderline as I have around 8-10% contracture starting in the little finger

Previously I have had surgery on my left hand to straighten my little finger (pic also attached), this included a skin graft.

My action on my right hand is to try to prevent another surgical procedure and all that this entails.

Hence my interest in tape or massage to slow/treat my right hand from the inevitable.

best regards


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advertizing   completed   significant   accelerator   starting   stretching   short-term   Seegenschmiedt   radiotherapy   occasional   progressing   ultrasound   distributor   flexibility   orthovoltage   specifically   substantiated   effectiveness   contracture   inevitable