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Seeking info on radiation treatment. 20 year old son just diagnosed
12/19/2016 14:01
12/19/2016 14:01
Seeking info on radiation treatment. 20 year old son just diagnosed

My son has just been diagnosed with Dupuytren and is symptomatic. I am reading that Radiation Treatment has been successful in stopping the progression of the disease, if you can do it early enough. I'm wondering if anyone on the forum has experience with this, and if it worked. Also, I'm seeking specialists in the field. I live in Canada, but from what I've read, Germany is the best place to have this done. I'd appreciate your experiences with RT and Germany and any information you can provide about doctors who really know this issue inside and out. Thanks so much,


Edited 12/19/16 16:01

12/19/2016 16:48


12/19/2016 16:48


Re: Seeking info on radiation treatment. 20 year old son just diagnosed

Hi Linda

As Stefan has said on the other thread, RT at age 20 is relatively young, but certainly possible. I think you would need an radiologist experienced in treating DD, such as ProfS in Germany, who could verify that the current status of your sons condition indicates that RT will be effective, and useful given the potential risk at his age. It's not just a question of early, but early, active and recent progression. So given your sons age this judgement is important.

There are stories from people who have been to Germany, under the patient's tab on the website. In general terms the cost of treatment is quite reasonable but the cost of travel and stay from overseas can be quite high.

The way to proceed with Germany would be an email with photos and history to ProfS, asking for an opinion on whether a consultation in person would be appropriate. This is important, as he is unlikely to say from an email and photos that treatment is appropriate, as that judgement is reserved for the face to face examination and consultation. Alternatively contact a radiologist who has treated DD in Canada or the US. We can probably suggest some closer if you let us know where in Canada you are.

However, as Stefan says perhaps you can say a bit more about the symptoms and timeline to see if we can offer suggestions or advice at this stage. Why are you seeking treatment now? What has the hand surgeon you consulted with advised? Most are set against RT but a few are now quite knowledgeable of all the treatment options including RT.

Best wishes SB

01/03/2017 13:20
01/03/2017 13:20
Re: Seeking info on radiation treatment. 20 year old son just diagnosed


I am sorry to hear about your sons diagnosis. I was recently diagnosed with DD on my right hand and I have a small nodule. I also live here in Canada. I am 37yo. There are 3 clinics in Canada (Toronto, Montreal, Calgary) that currently offer radiation therapy for Dupuytren. It seems however their experience is limited vs Europe. I live in Toronto and visited the Princess Margaret Sarcoma Clinic (Dr. Catton & Dr. Chung) that offer this treatment. Due to my young age and the nature of my disorder appearing (post bike accident trauma) they are hesitant to offer RT at this time. Sometimes this disorder can progress slowly or not at all so they feel strongly there is no urgency to undergo RT. We are going to monitor for progression and if I see further development of nodules, etc. I will undergo RT. I also received an MRI scan to confirm DD diagnosis. .

01/14/2017 21:35
01/14/2017 21:35
Re: Seeking info on radiation treatment. 20 year old son just diagnosed

Hi Linda

If you plan to do radiation treatment, it will require 2 sessions over 3 months period, 5 treatments each session. I have had very good experience with radiation at Dr. Markus Herkstroeter in Frankfurt (strahlentherapiepraxis@googlemail.com, tel +49 69 17536883). Dr. Herkstroeter himself suffers from Dupuytren and is one of the leading physicians in Germany for this disease. good luck.

treatment   experiences   specialists   diagnosed   Seeking   radiation   Germany   experience   experienced   strahlentherapiepraxis   appropriate   knowledgeable   examination   symptomatic   Herkstroeter   radiologist   consultation   Alternatively   Dupuytren   progression