Sensory symptoms of DD and alcohol |
01/10/2011 11:51
Adriannot registered
01/10/2011 11:51
Adriannot registered
Sensory symptoms of DD and alcohol
I had RT for early DD in my right hand in August 2010. I was v pleased with the reduction in sensory symptoms after the treatment. Over Xmas with an increased consumption of alcohol, significant but not too excessive, the sensory symptoms increased almost to the level prior to the RT. Thankfully no change in nodules or early cord. Now after almost complete abstinence from alcohol for two weeks all seems to be settling down again. I just wondered if other folks have had similar experience with DD? I am aware of the relationship between DD and alcoholism and perhaps this is a similar effect. I am willing to stay away from alcohol altogether rather than having progressive disease again but would prefer not too unless there is a genuine relationship between the two.
01/10/2011 12:03
01/10/2011 12:03

Re: Sensory symptoms of DD and alcohol
Australia Calling. I've had RT also and enjoy a drop in moderation and have not noticed any side effects I can equate to alcohol consumption. In years gone by there was a belief that there was a corelation between Dupuytren and the consumption of alcohol. This has long been disproved.
01/10/2011 12:14
Adriannot registered
01/10/2011 12:14
Adriannot registered
Re: Sensory symptoms of DD and alcohol
There is no question that there is a strong link between DD and aclcohol consumption in that almost all alcoholics develop a form of DD although it tends to be more diffuse and superficial than the standard disease. There is also a lot of suggestive evidence that heavy drinking is a risk factor for development of the disease in predisposed individuals eg the Icelandic data. There is no hard evidence I can find as a physician of a link between sensory symptoms and alcohol consumption in early disease but this is probably due to the fact that the medical literature does not recognise that there are any sensory symptoms in DD!
01/10/2011 13:02
01/10/2011 13:02
Re: Sensory symptoms of DD and alcohol
@Adrian: I had RT for early DD in my right hand in August 2010. I was v pleased with the reduction in sensory symptoms after the treatment. Over Xmas with an increased consumption of alcohol, significant but not too excessive, the sensory symptoms increased almost to the level prior to the RT. Thankfully no change in nodules or early cord. Now after almost complete abstinence from alcohol for two weeks all seems to be settling down again. I just wondered if other folks have had similar experience with DD? I am aware of the relationship between DD and alcoholism and perhaps this is a similar effect. I am willing to stay away from alcohol altogether rather than having progressive disease again but would prefer not too unless there is a genuine relationship between the two.
Good proposal: Stay away - its a high risk factor ! Reduces oxiygen consumption in the periphery; lo levels of oxygen can promote DD and LD ! Larry
01/17/2011 02:53
01/17/2011 02:53
Re: Sensory symptoms of DD and alcohol
I've had DD for more than 20 years. For some of that time I've abstained, other periods I've a glass or two of wine of a week. I've noticed no difference in my symptoms whatsoever. I'm the oldest of 4 siblings, the only female. My youngest brother, almost 60-- no symptoms, little alcohol. Next sibling, no alcohol whatsover, 60 y.o has developed DD AND frozen shoulder in the last year. Next sibling, 65--alcoholic, heavy drinker-- no symptoms whatsover. Go figure ...