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Serrapeptase for Dupuytren's C.
07/15/2020 12:12
07/15/2020 12:12
Serrapeptase for Dupuytren's C.

I have never reviewed or commented on treatment for Dupuytren's Contracture. Over the years I've tried 'everything' to treat my DC and nothing seemed to be effective. About 10 days ago I began taking Serrapeptase enzyme because of its favorably published effects for asthma, inflammation and arteriolarsclerosis.

In just this short time, I have found the minor beginnings of DC on my right hand has DECREASED. I couldn't believe it! A small lump is now virtually gone and is spongy, not the hard lump. The cord in my palm is still there, appears to be the slightly less prominent, and as I massage it with my left thumb, I can feel two small parallel cords instead of one single. I am able to stretch all the fingers back with no pain or sensation of pulling.

The involvement of DC of my left hand has existed for 15 years and more extensive. Not bad but it is progressively becoming worse. So far after 10 days, I find no positive change EXCEPT that my hand is not sore or stiff upon waking in the morning. Maybe continued use of Serrapeptase will begin showing positive effects?

After taking 3 pills per day/ 120,000 IU. (divided) I did find some bruising on my arms so I cut back to two. Three was the maximum recommended but for me was a bit too much. Because of Serrapeptase feature of blood-thinning , I discontinued taking aspirin and Fish Oil concurrently with Serrapeptase

Recommendations are that Serrapeptase should only be taken 30 days at a time which is still 3 weeks away for me. My physician did some research and has not encouraged nor discouraged me to/from using Serrapeptase.

(I am 69 years old, recently retired, in excellent health. DNA research revealed that I am related to the Swedish Vikings of the 500s AD and to the Icelandic Vikings of 500 BC.)

07/15/2020 12:17
07/15/2020 12:17
Re: Serrapeptase for Dupuytren's C.

.... I forgot to add.

When I arise in the morning, I take the 2 capsules with my morning coffee and then wait at least one hour before having any solid food. This routine fits better into my schedule because of the recommendation to take Serrapeptase on an empty stomach. During the day I seem to graze on food, so finding the most opportune time to take the Serrapeptase is not easy.

02/23/2021 20:18
02/23/2021 20:18
Re: Serrapeptase for Dupuytren's C.

Hi Thom:

I was just wondering if you had any long term success with Serrapeptase for your DD?

I am 58 and have had DD for probably 10 years.

I had one shot of Xiaflex 4 years ago and sadly I have a nodule and a cord back on the same hand.

I have both DD and Raynaud's and mostly everyone on both sides of my family have some degree of both DD and Raynaud's as well. I was thinking about trying the Serrapeptase but I wanted to reach out to you first.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,


02/23/2021 22:27
02/23/2021 22:27
Re: Serrapeptase for Dupuytren's C.

HI there HH

I still take Serrapeptase. The first bottle of Serrapeptase produced a regression in the DD such that I took photos of my hands and sent them to my PrimaryCarePhysician. He was amazed! IF I took 120,000 units which produced some small evidence of bruises on my arms, so I needed to cut back to 2 pills (80,000).

I just cannot find any documentation of that first order on my eMails so I just don’t know who was the manufacturer. Reason I say that, I have continued taking this for a year, BUT no matter how much I take, even 160,000, which is not recommended, I never can duplicate those bruises. I can never show evidence that I have reached a max doses. DD has now progressed slowly so I am not sure these new products are effective.

One of the reasons I am staying with this regimen is that it is also supposed to clean the blood vessels by dissolving plaques. Because of this, I have cut back on taking 81 mg. Aspirin and Fish Oil. They recommend not taking aspirin and fish oil while taking Serrapeptase.
My father had his first heart attack in his early 60’s and in a month, I’ll turn 70 with no history of heart attacks. Is it due to Serrapeptase? I don’t know.

So, I would have no problem with someone trying Serrapeptase (or as my doctor says, Serrapepcidase). Most are packed with 40,000 units per pill. The last order I bought one pill= 120,000.

I almost had that enzyme injection treatment but pulled back on the decision. Mostly because two hand doctors didn’t even do the procedure and the doctor who advocated it was a dermatologist. My questions: do you know what you’re doing? What happens if my tendons dissolve? What can you do about that? Then I definitely need to go to a orthopedic surgeon.

Does this rambling answer help?

Let me know if you have any other questions.

02/24/2021 16:11
02/24/2021 16:11
Re: Serrapeptase for Dupuytren's C.

Hi Thom:

Thank you for your response.

So, the Doctor that did my Xiaflex injection is a hand, arm and shoulder orthopedic surgeon. He is also an old friend and I trust him. He did DD surgery on my Father's hands years ago. So, I feel confident with him, its just a bummer that DD has re-appeared.

I was just hoping to find something new that might work for DD and had never been on this forum before. Your post with regard to the Serrapeptase intrigued me, but no I have to experience with it at all.

It sounds as though that the first bottle was the one that helped your DD.

Ugh. I wish we all could get some permanent relief from this terrible disease.

Please take care and thank you for responding.

progressively   documentation   Contracture   Serrapeptase   blood-thinning   concurrently   PrimaryCarePhysician   orthopedic   Recommendations   arteriolarsclerosis   Serrapepcidase   because   discontinued   dermatologist   discouraged   manufacturer   inflammation   Dupuytren   recommendation   recommended