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Splints after NA--Otoform
08/09/2013 18:23
08/09/2013 18:23
Splints after NA--Otoform

The last time I had NA, Dr. Eaton recommended an Otoform (I think I have the spelling right) splint. I tried to find a hand therapist--in San Mateo County and San Francisco County(CA)--who used this kind of splint to no avail--including an OT office that specialized in hand therapy! I've recently talked to a DD patient who used such a splint-- it uses silicone which is also used with keloids and to prevent scarring with burns--and her contracture was reduced from 30% to 15% without NA.

I'm very excited because I just found a hand therapist in my home town who uses Otoform and can't wait to get splints after my NA procedure next month. Has anyone else had experience with this type of splint using silicone?


Sure looks way more comfortable than my previous splints although at some point I'd like splints that just go on the finger and not the entire hand-- to wear indefinitely:


PS--I unearthed a raft of negative reviews and posts online about the Dynasplint company and wouldn't go near them with a ten foot pole.

08/09/2013 19:39
08/09/2013 19:39
Re: Splints after NA--Otoform

thanks for sharing that, I've been looking for something similar
keep us posted on your results

08/13/2013 21:30
08/13/2013 21:30
Re: Splints after NA--Otoform

I had a pre-NA visit today with my hand therapist to take measurements and discuss splinting. I've probably read this somewhere before but it didn't register. She said the main reason for splinting is two-fold. After NA or surgery to help the healing and scar tissue and keep the joint mobile. What I hadn't remembered is that another function of splinting at night isn't to force or keep the finger straight but rather to keep the hand from making a fist which is the way most people sleep. Therefore, the Otoform is not the rigid, Velcro wrapped torture device I've had before but it better molded to the palm and is much more comfortable. We shall see. I won't have my splint made for another 5 weeks (wish I could skip week four-- the NA week!).

here's an article I hadn't seen before that is a good summary of treatment options:


08/14/2013 01:40
08/14/2013 01:40
Re: Splints after NA--Otoform


here's an article I hadn't seen before that is a good summary of treatment options:

Good article, thank you for posting. Good luck with your upcoming NA treatment...

08/14/2013 03:25
08/14/2013 03:25
Re: Splints after NA--Otoform

That was a good article. Thank you for sharing it. I've not heard of the Jacobsen flap. Wonder if anyone here has had surgery using that method.

On which fingers/joints are you having the NA done? I hope it is a successful procedure for you.

~ dawn

08/14/2013 19:35
08/14/2013 19:35
Re: Splints after NA--Otoform

That was a good article. Thank you for sharing it. I've not heard of the Jacobsen flap. Wonder if anyone here has had surgery using that method.

On which fingers/joints are you having the NA done? I hope it is a successful procedure for you.

~ dawn

Pinkie, ring and possibly middle and thumb on RH. Index and Middle and thumb on LH plus palm work on both hands. PIP and MCP joints on fingers--PIP joints are the worst and have progressed much more than MCP joint since NA 2 years ago. Since I've just had an email consult so far, I'm not sure of the extent--I believe in being aggressive-- my contractures are only 30-45 degrees but with PIP joints the earlier the better.

My husband is going to get a consult on his nodules that are starting to turn into cords and last night he detected what he thinks is Ledderhose in his foot-- oh joy. I really want him to have RT if we can work out the Medicare payments in the US-- or I guess it'll be a 2 month vacation in Europe with RT at the beginning and end in Germany.

Thanks, Luba, for your good wishes.


ElastomerSplint   successful   otoform-k-c-elastomer   indefinitely   therapist--in   measurements   splinting   avail--including   fingers--PIP   procedure   Splints   aggressive--   NA--Otoform   comfortable   treatment   article   contracture   benthamscience   contractures   recommended