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Stage 3 100 degree at PIP joint fixed with NA ny Dr Badois
12/09/2008 19:08
12/09/2008 19:08
Stage 3 100 degree at PIP joint fixed with NA ny Dr Badois

Just a short message to thank this board!

I had stage 3 Dupuytrens on little finger PIP joint with 100 degeree contracture.

In August I was due to have surgery at local hospital in UK with general anaesthetic, skin grafts, plaster of paris ...the works!
Then a couple of days before this major opp I discovered your site and found out about NA and arranged to see Dr Badois in Paris and he fixed my finger in fifteen minutes with no pain or discomfort. Thanks to all of you and all the forums for spreading the word about this treatment, and especially Dr Badois!

If anyone has reached this forum and were thinking about NA Ild certainly recommend it, it realy works !

12/09/2008 20:23
12/09/2008 20:23

Re: Stage 3 100 degree at PIP joint fixed with NA ny Dr Badois


In August I was due to have surgery at local hospital in UK with general anaesthetic, skin grafts, plaster of paris ...the works!
Then a couple of days before this major opp I discovered your site and found out about NA and arranged to see Dr Badois in Paris and he fixed my finger in fifteen minutes with no pain or discomfort. !

It's unbelievable that consultants who are supposed to have your welfare at heart consider such drastic surgical treatment the best option.

Cambidgeshire, UK.

12/09/2008 22:59
12/09/2008 22:59
Re: Stage 3 100 degree at PIP joint fixed with NA ny Dr Badois

Sounds just like my situation stage III 90 degree little finger with surgery scheduled for Nov 14th. I had NA on Nov 7th in Larspur with Dr Denkler still going through therapy and wearing a night splint with no problems.

arranged   consultants   Dupuytrens   certainly   hospital   treatment   discomfort   surgery   situation   problems   anaesthetic   discovered   Cambidgeshire   scheduled   consider   spreading   contracture   especially   unbelievable   recommend