Steroid injection for cord |
01/23/2024 19:40
01/23/2024 19:40
Steroid injection for cord
Hello all ! Long story short...have the thinest hardly even visable cord in palm. Problem is ,it causes me pain when useing my hand. No contracture,no nodules. Steroid injections have benifited me greatly in the past for nodules. Should I consider a steroid injection,or just wait and see what may develop? When Doctor Eaton did N.A. 15 years ago he cut this cord,and injected steroid in the finger nodules. I know getting an injection in palm will be very painful,and even worse if a nerve is nicked,and the injection may stir thigs up. Any thoughts ? Thank you !
Edited 01/23/2024 19:59
01/23/2024 21:23
spanishbuddha Administrator
01/23/2024 21:23
spanishbuddha Administrator
Re: Steroid injection for cord
I think a triamcinolone steroid shot reportedly helps in some cases of sore and inflamed progressive nodules. Do you have indications of inflammation associated with this cord? Such as soreness with pressure, redness, heat etc. A judgement call to be made with yourself and a doc who is experienced in treating DD including steroid shots I think. If you just want to be cautious leave well alone for now, or consult on suitability or appropriateness of RT at this or a soon to come moment.
01/23/2024 21:57
01/23/2024 21:57
Re: Steroid injection for cord
Thank you for responding. I have had wonderful results with injections for nodules in the past. Where in time the nodules gradually disappeard. The cord only bothers me when pressure is applied. Again the cord is hardly even visable. That cord was cut during NA 15 years ago, and went away for years. Today I got out my old night splints that I wore for ten years. I had new splints made every so often by a Certified Hand Therapist. I am fairly well educated regading Dupuytrens, and know every case is unique. Thanks again..for all that you do !