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Stress and anxiety?
03/16/2009 00:52
03/16/2009 00:52
Stress and anxiety?

Oh wow, i just spent an hour writing a post and didnt realize I was not logged in. Ouch, thought it would save but didnt. Guess you were spared a very long post.
Any way, just a short post for now. Wanted to get some things off my chest. Wondering if anyone has an anxiety or panic disorder. My dc started a few months after i went through panic attacks. Now i have an anxiety disorder. Thoughts?

03/16/2009 01:38

not registered

03/16/2009 01:38

not registered

Re: Stress and anxiety?

It may be impossible to establish a link between the two, but I think that the more positive and resolved you are about your health and whatever aspects of it that you do have some control over - the better it is for the stability of your hands.

It is well documented that stress releases chemicals into your body. Is there a connection to DC? Probably- because of the sophisticated relationship between mind and body, but also because having a positive outlook affects everything.

03/16/2009 21:27
03/16/2009 21:27
Re: Stress and anxiety?

My Story: I was diagnosed with Dupuytrens at the age of 24. It started in right hand with a small lump. My dr. thought it was a cyst and had it removed. Well, guess what dc- was diagnosed instead. He was surprised at my age and onset of disease and seemed concerned. I had a cortisone shot and used topical vit e for a year. This hand is in remission so far. At the age of 33, 6 months ago i started to develop a lump in the left hand. Went back to dr. and he definitely thinks this is dc again. Great, here we go again. I now have to 2 lumps in the left hand and just had a cortisone shot for the pain. This hand seems to be more irritated and faster moving. I do not have contractions in hands yet, keep fingers crossed.
I am a male and work as an electrician. This puts me in situations using hand tools,drills, etc. I also used to drink very heavily in college, but have tapered off since. This alone puts me in a higher risk category. Only thing missing is no family history of dc.
As I stated in earlier post i had panic attacks and as a result developed and anxiety disorder. I have been on a low dose of clanazepam for several years now. My hand dr. said this also could be a contributing factor.
I also have elevated total bilirubin, which my dr. diagnosed as Gilberts syndrome. Supposedly this is an inherited condition as well.
I have suffered different ailments through the years such as frequent sinus infections, constant post nasal drip, Drops in blood sugar (which i just started to test for on my own), OCD, muscle twitching, and many more. It seems my body is always battling something. Maybe this is all stress related, but really makes me wonder. I do have a family history of celiac disease, which is gluten intolerance(wheat). I was tested neg. for this but was reading neg. tests do not always mean you do not have the disease. I have changed my diet lately to a low carb and sugar intake upon reading other posts. Well see...
Im really just trying to get this off my chest. Also wondering if anyone else has any similar experiences,info?

03/21/2009 15:37
Susan Clifford

not registered

03/21/2009 15:37
Susan Clifford

not registered

Re: Stress and anxiety?

Hi, I too have had serious bouts of stress in my life, and have wondered if there could be any connection. I am very strong minded and have always outwardly seemed to have coped well with my problems. Sinced my life has settled down,it seems that now this desease has taken hold olf my body,I truely believe there is strong connection.I have always kept strong and buried my feelings,and thats why i think I'm being tie'ed up now.

03/21/2009 18:20
03/21/2009 18:20

Re: Stress and anxiety?


I think that the more positive and resolved you are about your health and whatever aspects of it that you do have some control over - the better

I'd agree with that.

Cambidgeshire, UK.

03/24/2009 16:04
03/24/2009 16:04
Re: Stress and anxiety?

Hi Susan,

Mine started when I was dealing with my mother's death, which was very stressful to me. I had to interact a lot with my family during that time, and my family has a lot of difficult personalities, so I felt under a lot of pressure. I was also eating a lot of sugar during that period (hot chocolate 3 or 4 times a day), probably to cope with the stress!

Don't know whether that had anything to do with the onset of my Dupuytren's or it was coincidental. However, feeling like I am making intelligent, well-informed choices so far as treatment, is a big help...as well as avoiding anything that triggers additional stress!

Best of luck,

Megan L (Bellevue, WA)

Edited 03/24/09 18:05

03/24/2009 17:09
03/24/2009 17:09
Re: Stress and anxiety?

First post, so bare with me… I’ve been living with DC for almost 20 years now and I’m 54 years old. Noticed it in 1991 after returning from Operation DS… was operated in 1995 on my left hand… 1999 on my right and again on my right in 2001. There are several elements that affect its active state… at least in my opinion. The invasive procedure during surgery elevates my DC to an alarming rate. I lost flexibility in my fingers after only 4 weeks. Smoking had an affect, so I gave that up. Sweets, sugar and fruits with high levels of sugar are bad for me and most of all chocolate has an affect, so I cut down very much on all of them. Alcohol may have a slight impact too but we all have to have some vises… right? My hands are quite bad now, but they haven’t gotten any worse in almost 5 years, which I’m very thankful for. When I was younger, my job as a mechanic may have been the worse for me. Now I’m a network specialist and it’s a little easier on my paws. Stress and panic attacks are almost a normal occurence in society these days. I’ve had them and I’ll most likely have them again, but “I” control them now, not like before. They may release chemicals and they may increase DC, but who really knows. I’m hoping that in the near future, injection enzymes will help me and my children who may suffer from this distraction.


anxiety   started   relationship   distraction   diagnosed   contractions   impossible   flexibility   sophisticated   Cambidgeshire   coincidental   intolerance   contributing   experiences   intelligent   connection   well-informed   Wondering   electrician   personalities