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Surgeon referral required in New Zealand (North Island)
09/15/2019 23:12
09/15/2019 23:12
Surgeon referral required in New Zealand (North Island)

My ring finger getting rather bent now (after 10 years of gradual decline) Need to get it looked at soon.

09/16/2019 05:03


09/16/2019 05:03


Re: Surgeon referral required in New Zealand (North Island)

My ring finger getting rather bent now (after 10 years of gradual decline) Need to get it looked at soon.
Hi Stan, you saw the reference to the one doc we list under NA here https://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_lis..._countries.html? There is a thread on Xiaflex https://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_...1547356934.html but no doc names I could see, hopefully someone else from that thread will chime in.

11/15/2019 00:42
11/15/2019 00:42
Re: Surgeon referral required in New Zealand (North Island)

Can't really help you, Stan as I'm in the South Island!

But I wish you all the best! You don't necessarily have to have the best surgeon available. I reckons it's a matter of sheer luck, though you do definitely want a plastic surgeon!

I am a week away from my 2nd surgery - right hand this time, middle finger.

Last year I had my left (dominant) hand done and I am by and large very pleased. I am in Christchurch and had it done through the public hospital system. Rather a long wait as you'd expect. I thought it was being done by one of Chch's top plastic surgeons but I never actually set eyes on him! It was sort of under his supervision but the actual op. was done by a registrar which didn't fill me with confidence, especially as, the day of the op. she looked at my very bent little finger and expressed doubts as to whether it would be able to be straightened. (Ring finger also affected but not as badly).
I had a fasciectomy - not a skin graft, but nodules removed from the palm.

Result, both fingers pretty straight, and that's still the case. Not a quick fix, because there's hand therapy and care needed not to over do things (I used a power drill a couple of months post-op. using my operated hand, just for 2-3 tiny holes, and my hand went instantly numb and stayed that way till I had a steroid injection in the carpal nerve in my wrist!!)
I'd say it was 6 months before I got full strength back in that hand. it is still a bit sore at times.
But, no regrets and so I'm happy to have the other hand operated on. (Well, not happy.... I know what a hassle it is!)

And this time it is definitely being done by the top surgeon I hoped for last year.

07/17/2021 00:07
07/17/2021 00:07
Re: Surgeon referral required in New Zealand (North Island)

Hi Stan

Not sure if you had your surgery yet but my case sounds similar to yours and have just, two months ago, had the operation

I’m based in Warkworth but would be very happy to share my experiences with you. I have some fairly horrific photographs…

Forward to catch up sometime

cheers Steve

07/17/2021 23:09
07/17/2021 23:09
Re: Surgeon referral required in New Zealand (North Island)

G'day mate
Everything complicated mainly due to Covid19. We moved to Australia last June with the intention of travelling the World. That's not going to happen anytime soon :(
Coincidentally we are moving back to NZ - Napier in the next few weeks (sort of soon as we can get a flight) currently suspended :(

I am still waiting to get operation on hand(s). I did actually have an appointment for a free operation evaluation next week but that has been cancelled due to lockdown in Sydney. I will now wait a little longer to hopefully get sorted in New Zealand.
I'd be very interested in your operation results and would also be curious of pictures (pre and post operation?).
My email robsonstan13@gmail.com if you prefer to send pics by email.

fasciectomy   Christchurch   photographs…   dupuytren-online   required   complicated   definitely   referral   confidence   necessarily   Surgeon   especially   appointment   robsonstan13   experiences   supervision   operation   straightened   Coincidentally   Zealand