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Surgery in Minnesota
05/09/2011 16:06
05/09/2011 16:06
Surgery in Minnesota

My PIP joint contracture is again at a point where I will have to seek surgery soon. This will be my 3rd surgery to correct, or should I say delay the problem. I'm 53 and my DD seems to be aggressive. Pinky finger is at 90 degrees, large (but not painful) nodule/cord in my palm. Lots of pads and dimpling. My last surgery was in March 2006 so it's been 5 years. Not long enough! I've tried NA with no luck. Too much scar tissue and danger of nerve damage. I'm looking for a Minnesota hand surgeon with repeat DD experience who can give me the best shot at beating recurrence or at least pushing back my next procedure. Love to hear from anyone out there with a referral or success story to share. Thanks!

05/10/2011 17:35
05/10/2011 17:35
Re: Surgery in Minnesota

I've had two surgeries in the last year done at the TRIA Orthopaedic Center in Bloomington by Dr. Scott McPherson. I had my right hand done last June (pinky finger 90 degrees to straight and two cords taken care of in my palm). 11 months later there have been no further contractures. He had also treated a cord in my right palm in 2008 as a part of the Xiaflex trials. The cord led to my middle finger and it is still straight.

Surgery on my left hand was done in December of 2010. That surgery was more extensive. My ring finger was contracted at 90 degrees and I had a large amount scar tissue, nodules, and dimpling in my palm from 2 surgeries done on my pinky about 20 years ago. So far I would say the results have been good.

05/10/2011 19:31
05/10/2011 19:31
Re: Surgery in Minnesota


I think it is very smart of you to seek an experienced HAND surgeon to work on your hand. I still feel that there are surgeons who do a disservice for people with Dupuytren's because they lack the experience and consider it more routine than it is.

05/11/2011 13:50
05/11/2011 13:50
Re: Surgery in Minnesota

Thanks for your help lars. I had my last surgery at Tria also, but with Dr. Husband. As I said that was 5 years ago. The initial results were good but didn't last long. I keep wondering if the procedure was not thorough enough or if my DD is just that aggressive. In any case I'm exploring my options for other surgeons. I suppose the direct way is to call their offices and ask how many DD patients they've treated and in what stages.

04/02/2014 12:58
04/02/2014 12:58
Re: Surgery in Minnesota

Does anyone else have surgeon recommendations in Minnesota?

I am looking to have work done on dorsal PIP nodules that are preventing my finger from curling (they are keeping it straight) which is making it difficult to play cello.


experience   Bloomington   contractures   surgeries   straight   Surgery   disservice   degrees   Orthopaedic   difficult   Minnesota   recommendations   procedure   experienced   contracture   preventing   recurrence   dimpling   aggressive   contracted