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Thank You for Forum
06/26/2008 16:11
06/26/2008 16:11
Thank You for Forum

I want to express my gratitude for the people that keep this forum running....I began searching for information on Dups. in 2003..before Dr. Eaton was doing the N.A. procedure....The informatiion was extremely valuable in making a decisio.....Finally a forum member urged me to get on a plane and go to Florida...I did and am very gratefull for the extra push I needed....
New people that are searching may need additional infor for web sites.....www.thehandcenter.org...Dr. Eaton.. he also gives you info to find other physicians....Also U .TUBE..You can see the procedure...google u tube and put in Dupeytren..it will take you Dr. Eaton's video and Dr. Eatons..and a couple more.. plus web sites from all over the world on Dups..Good Luck...
Thank you to the ones that have persistantly kept this information flowing to help others...
Linda B U.S.A.

06/26/2008 23:51
06/26/2008 23:51

Hi Linda

Hi LindaB,

Yes, I *do* I remember you from the old BioS Forum and that you decided to go to Eaton because of it. How is the NA holding up? How much recurrence are you having if any?


06/27/2008 18:13
06/27/2008 18:13
Re: Thank You for Forum

I remember those days too. I was seaching for relief before Dr Eaton started doing NA. I made an appoitment for NA in France but I cancelled it when I learned Dr. Eaton had begun NA treatments. I think it was early 2004 when I had my pinky done by the good Dr. It remains perfectly straight to this day. I thank you very much forum and Dr. Eaton.

08/31/2008 10:11
08/31/2008 10:11
Re: Thank You for Forum

Linda in California, U.S.A

Hi Randy..
I had the N/A IN 04..It held up great until about a yeaRand a halF ago....Now it has started to progress again but I am alot more hopefull than in the beginning...I know now there is a ton of help out there.. We need to get this into the media...Some people do not have computers to do research...The newspapers and media need to take an interest.. How about some of thre HBO CHANNELS ON SCIENCE..lETS PUT SOME PRESSURE ON THEM AND WRITE LETTERS...

08/31/2008 22:44
Luba M.

not registered

08/31/2008 22:44
Luba M.

not registered

Re: Thank You for Forum

I also am grateful for this Forum (and the old BioS. forum, which I started reading in 2006)...... Around that time, I had a contracture in PIP joint of right pinkie....I went to see a surgeon in Southern Calif. who scheduled an OS after looking at my hand and talking to me for no more than ten minutes.

Because I read so many positive posts about NA and Dr. Denkler, I cancelled the surgery and drove to Larkspur, Ca. to have NA with him. The procedure went great and the finger was totally straight for about nine months. I have nothing but great respect for Dr. Denkler and have only positive things to say about him. Unfortunately PIP contractures have the greatest percentage of recurrence and mine came back to pre-NA level within one year.

Two years later, I find myself faced with having to deal with it again. My choices now are: another NA on the same finger, or waiting for Xiaflex when it becomes available to the general public.

I have seen a well-respected surgeon in the So. Calif. area (who does not speak well of NA procedure...same old argument...they go in blindly...there can be nerve damage. etc. etc...he also is VERY much against radiotherapy) and hope to go to him for Xiaflex injections in the future. By the way, this surgeon is very encouraged about the results of the trials for Xiaflex and hopes to have it available in 2009.

I will avoid OS at all costs and, if needed, I would go back to Dr. Denkler to do more NA if I could not wait for the injections.

09/01/2008 03:40
09/01/2008 03:40
Re: Thank You for Forum

Linda in California, U.S.A
Luba..You and I must have seen the same well respected hand surgeon in southern cal/////Just kidding I think...
I too am going to make an appointment with Dinkler....I HAVE HAD N/A ONCE AND WOULD DO IT AGAIN IT A SECOND..I would rather have it done every few years and wait for more information than to do a more drastic surgery..
Good Luck to you.....
Let these hand surgeons that do not want to do n/a talk to Dr. Kline...He hand it done and is very gratefull that he did...

09/01/2008 06:11

not registered

09/01/2008 06:11

not registered


To Luba and Linda: keep in mind that wearing a splint at night can help to postpone recurrence. That's true for surgery as well as for NA. You probably have to wear such a night splint for 3-6 months after the treatment but it might be worth it. It the night splint is comfortable enough then it's not a big deal anyway.


09/01/2008 13:20
09/01/2008 13:20
Re: Thank You for Forum

Linda in California, U.S.A

YOU ARE RIGHT WOLFGANG......Dr Eaton's ofice made me a hand molded splint to wear.. It hooked together with velcro on sides.. It was not uncomfortable at all.. In the morning yor hand feels a little stiff but that goes away quickly when you move your fingers....I got lazy...and did not wear it after a few months.. I am sorry about that..I think Dr. Dinkler offers this service.....Dr. Kline does not..I asked..He unfortunatelydoes not have the facilities right now to do that..
I am going to double check with Dinklers office on this....The splint seems to give your muscles in yor hand a time to rest..Also putting hands in warm water in the morning and swirling them around for about 5 minutes does wonders in improving movement...A little hint here... When I went to Florida I froze small bottles of water in hotel refrig.....these were easy to hang onto afterwards....the little ice bags they give you do not last that long.Although there was actually nooo pain.. it does help withany swelling..which I really didn't have either...
Thank you guys for the informatiion on the Marriot Hotel in Larkspur.. They do offer senior rates..169 a night..and it looks decent..and has a coffee shop and a ferry that takes you to Frisco.....SOOO Now to call Dr. Dinkler and see if I can schedual for sometime in November......I am just thinking this might take more than one trip as the bones are calcified in my little pinkie from non use..I do not know what yo call this joint....

09/02/2008 04:18
09/02/2008 04:18

LUBA. Re "your well respected surgeon -very much against radiotherapy."

Hi Australia Calling.
My surgeon was also against radiotherapy, until I came back from Germany,where he saw the results.( having had RT. on both my hands and feet. ) The problem is they are an expert in their field and not in radiotherapy. In 07 in Germany alone 40,000 patients were treated for 28 different NON MALIGENT DISORDERS including Dupuytrens and Ledderhose. I was one of them . Just a point of interest ,the dose rate of RT. is very low & not the same as used for treating MALIGANT cancers. Regards.

Edited at 09/02/08 10:55

appointment   cancelled   well-respected   radiotherapy   contractures   persistantly   contracture   surgeon   injections   informatiion   unfortunatelydoes   comfortable   recurrence   uncomfortable   searching   procedure   information   thehandcenter   California   Unfortunately